space travel in a sentence

Use ‘space travel’ in a sentence | ‘space travel’ example sentences

1- A problem with deep space travel is communication.

2- This obviously raises great possibilities for space travel .

3- The time period was alive with space travel .

4- space travel forms an important aspect of gameplay.

5- Clarke was a lifelong proponent of space travel .

6- These provide the platform for space travel .

7- This information will prove particularly important for space travel .

8- A funny science-fiction film about space travel .

9- The final threshold is ” space travel “.

10- Interstellar space travel is manned or unmanned travel between stars.

11- HI-SEAS is performing research on long duration space travel .

12- space travel was a reality and its influence was enormous.

13- It has the potential to make space travel significantly cheaper.

14- There is no doubt that the inhabitants once possessed space travel .

15- Developments involving flight and space travel will result in decentralization.

16- space travel doesn’t agree with her.

17- space travel and colonization will become safe and affordable.

18- Naturally, this all extended to space travel wherever applicable.

19- At first, this form of space travel seemed possible.

20- Among them, only Ford has space travel experience.

21- Have an itch that only space travel can scratch ?

22- The subject of our discussion was the future of space travel .

23- space travel has entered a worrisome period.

24- It is also why rocketry is the technology of space travel .

25- Who predicted space travel and submarines years before they became a reality!

26- Space tourism is space travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes.

27- Nautica transforms into a submarine with limited space travel capabilities.

28- He says his new craft would revolutionise space travel .

29- space travel should be a quest, not a profit center.

30- During your space travels you ‘ve crash landed on their planet.

31- Such an engine would be a breakthrough in space travel .

32- So why is the FreedomFest panel so optimistic about space travel ?

33- The cost of the rockets is what makes space travel so expensive.

34- Don’t limit yourself to futuristic books about space travel , either.

35- This is a Wasteland with magic and space travel .

36- Science fiction space travel will soon .

37- What is next for space travel ?

38- For long duration space travel , radiation can pose an acute health hazard.

39- This would be the ideal method of long-distance space travel mentioned earlier.

40- The day will come when space travel becomes possible.

41- WestofEdenSomeday planetary space travel for tourists may become a reality.

42- The United States space program is redefining the boundaries of space travel.

43- The United States’ space program is redefining the boundaries of space travel.

44- As the potential for space travel grows, it is now conceivable that within 25 years, people will be able to visit the moon as a tourist destination.

45- Mastering that feat would allow rockets to be reused and likely make space travel far cheaper.

46- Parks said the broadcast with Cunningham brings a personal element to the idea of space travel.

47- Richard Van White, Jr. has long been fascinated by space travel and the mysteries of the universe.

48- Helius is an entrepreneur with an interest in space travel.

49- Padalka accumulated 198 days and 16 hours of space travel during the mission.

More Sentences: 12
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