trauma in a sentence 4

Use ‘trauma’ in a sentence | ‘trauma’ example sentences

150- traumahawk The traumahawk departs for a trauma center after a vehicle accident.

151- Mosby’s Paramedic Textbook, 2nd revised Ed. Chapter 22, “Head and Facial trauma.

152- Responder well-being and dealing with victim trauma are the topics of this unit.

153- She suffers from crush injury to her abdomen, as well as blunt trauma to her head.

154- In a very real sense, all traditional healing approaches are forms of trauma treatment.

155- This speaks directly to Louise’s childhood trauma and the insecurity that surrounded her.

156- The ICTP is at the forefront of innovation and development of trauma services for groups in need.

157- His Ford crashed into the end of the turn 9 wall and he suffered head trauma and many broken bones.

158- A second repair can sometimes be required; causes are recurrence of cancer, new cancer or new trauma.

159- These were in some measure affected by the emotional trauma and lifelong illness he contracted there.

160- Though Emily survives, the trauma sets her to be in catatonic state (always blank and unable to talk).

More Sentences: 1234
Related Words:
trashedtrashestrashiertrashiesttrashinesstrashingtrashytraumatrauma ofemotional traumatraumastraumaticpost-traumatictraumatic eventtraumatically

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