trauma in a sentence 2

Use ‘trauma’ in a sentence | ‘trauma’ example sentences

51- And then we send them back to the place where the trauma was inflicted.”

52- But the lingering trauma of his arrest a year ago still chokes his words.

53- “To close the achievement gap, we must deal with trauma,” Rosenbaum said.

54- An autopsy Monday revealed Hall suffered trauma and strangulation wounds.

55- Champion suffered multiple blunt trauma blows, the medical examiner said.

56- Tell them that he has suffered immeasurably from the trauma of that night.

57- 304823Hopkins told CNN there were no obvious signs of trauma to the body.

58- An emergency run was coordinated to race the man to a nearby trauma centre.

59- Police say the unresponsive man had suffered trauma to the back of his head.

60- He suffered multiple trauma, including a fractured arm, and was hospitalized.

61- I felt like all of my childhood trauma-dies, tragedies, dramas were explained.”

62- Plus all those injured and in need of trauma care, or pain relief at the least.

63- If a history of misinformation has been established, this only adds to the trauma.

64- The defense intends to show other people could have been to blame for that trauma.

65- The baby died as a resulf of severe head trauma and damage to her internal organs.

66- Police have not said how the woman died, but did say she suffered “obvious trauma.”

67- She lectures nationally on the topic of trauma and the effects of harsh punishment.

68- He was taken to The Ottawa Hospital’s Civic campus trauma unit in critical condition.

69- 30883A lifetime of trauma The young children are now in their late 40s and early 50s.

70- For many veterans, the trauma of combat creates a path to the criminal justice system.

71- Turning childhood trauma into art 15 photos “I usually work from the image in my head.

72- The twin sister weighed 16 pounds and also showed evidence of blunt trauma to the head.

73- Police say the girl suffered severe head trauma and major damage to her internal organs.

74- Recovery from trauma and abuse requires excellent medical care and consistent attention.

75- P.E.I.’s chief coroner said there were no obvious signs of injury or trauma on the baby.

76- The more trauma and social exclusion a child experiences, the greater the addiction risk.

77- They took him to a hospital, where he died of dehydration with oral trauma and pneumonia.

78- It takes very little horrific violence to ignite wide-ranging trauma and brutal blowback.

79- Coroner Margaret Fisher said Moore died from multiple body trauma caused by the collision.

80- The trauma of the bombing eclipses any memories she might have had of the weeks before it.

81- The league’s argument to that is the information on head trauma is available to the public.

82- Murray on Thursday said the arrests were a “day of trauma for a lot of people in the game.”

83- “Today ambulances do trauma care, they do respiratory care, they provide all kinds of care.

84- It is a mixture of trauma pedagogy, art therapy and curative story telling,” Sauber told DW.

85- Deputies forced their way into the home and found Courtney Arvizu dead of blunt force trauma.

86- Turning childhood trauma into art 15 photos “Horses are the central theme along with memory.”

87- Historical trauma passed on Today, Obed lives in Iqaluit, Nunavut, with his wife and two sons.

88- “You can’t really appreciate the trauma they are going through, only they can,” Deenihan said.

89- Is this going to cause her some kind of trauma so that she’s not going to feel safe at school?”

90- Kurdish artist Hassan Deveci has opened his Cologne studio to help them deal with their trauma.

91- He died of severe blunt force trauma to the head, leaving behind a wife and two young children.

92- Police said the victim was found with obvious signs of trauma and pronounced dead at the scene.

93- Common causes are lack of oxygen, infections, strokes, premature birth and infant brain trauma.

94- Doctors Without Borders said its trauma hospital in the city has been overwhelmed with patients.

95- And, of course, disabled children are not the only ones at risk for trauma and its consequences.

96- The size and intensity of the crime and trauma, the level of destruction, defies the comparison.

97- 294414He was taken to a Seattle trauma center with the most serious injuries of all the victiMs. But that might change now that the Saskatchewan-born surgeon has a trauma centre named after him.

98- A news photo captured his trauma, becoming one of the searing images many remember from that day.

99- He died from stomach cancer when Jason was just 11. The trauma of losing his father hit Jason hard.

More Sentences: 1234
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