toweling in a sentence

Use ‘toweling’ in a sentence | ‘toweling’ example sentences

1- It’s simply a matter of toweling dry.

2- Always reapply after swimming, excessive perspiring, or toweling off.

3- I then tried some more absorbent toweling and it worked a treat!

4- Use disposable substrates such as recycled newspaper pellets or paper toweling , and change frequently.

5- Re-apply frequently to maintain protection, especially after perspiring, swimming or toweling .

6- Paper toweling is strong and flexible, and the edges are less likely to show.

7- LAURIE enters from the hallway, dressed in a bathrobe, toweling off her hair.

8- Sunscreens should also be reapplied immediately after swimming, toweling off, or sweating a great deal.

9- Sprinkle the seeds over several thicknesses of most paper toweling , roll it up and wrap it in foil.

10- At a recent show I witnessed two women talking as they were toweling the sweat from their foreheads in sweat soaked clothes.

11- Using scissors, cut the filter paper (if you don’t have filter paper, use paper toweling ) into one or two strips about 4 inches long by 1 or 2 inches wide.

12- Not because I was worried about what it might show me doing, but more with the idea that perhaps I’ve spared someone somewhere from seeing me fresh out of the shower, singing Floyd tunes while toweling my balls.

13- Most of the penis, these users toweling from this right fake fert industry understanding will place to current inches, strengthen or know physical doctor medication hours from humidors and some improper determination solution guys serious that are not surely possible as those penis them.

14- Yesterday, while I was toweling off in the locker room at David Barton Gym , I stumbled across drag veteran Joey Arias .

15- It is important to note that any paper toweling , gloves, etc., that have come into contact with these materials need to be quenched with water before disposing of in metal trash cans in order to prevent potential fires.

16- Wet some paper toweling with the Xylol, and wipe the metal until it is clean. (In a pinch, you can try alcohol, but it only softens the adhesive a little, so you’ll spend a long time rubbing.

17- A quick dry towel usually reserved for aforementioned lunch time swims was helpful in toweling off my hair and wrapping my shoes and socks for a (fingers crossed) drier commute on the way home.

18- Apply a generous amount of sunscreen (about a palmful) and reapply every 2 hours and after swimming, toweling dry, or sweating.

19- After peeling some vegetables he advised throwing the peels away by wrapping them in paper toweling , then aluminum foil, then putting them in a paper bag that was then to be sealed with scotch tape.

20- Man-made materials such as an internal absorbent layer of microfiber toweling or an external waterproof layer of polyurethane laminate (PUL) may be used.

21- And waterproof or water-resistant sunscreens should be used to reduce the need for reapplication after swimming followed by toweling , friction with clothing or sand, and sweating, Lautenschlager’s group noted.

22- She buys toweling fabric from an Amish fabric store , apparently toweling is not all the same, even if it looks the same to me.

23- She buys toweling fabric from an Amish fabric store , apparently toweling is not all the same, even if it looks the same to me.

24- As I arrive for our interview at Sally’s hideaway bungalow in Malibu, I see the actress coming up the beach toward me, toweling off the salt water from her swim.

25- Finally, he realized someone was in the room with him and then recognized Percy crouched in front of him, dressed in a toweling robe, his hair still damp from the shower.

26- For those on top of the water, get another piece (or length) of paper toweling (just a bit longer than the tank is wide), grasp both ends and drag across the surface.

27- Laundry duties includes managing the washing and drying of linens, toweling , carpets, etc. Folding of the linens and preparation for housekeepers are also tasks involved in this position.

28- AFTER A HIGH-STAKES DAY AT THE Santa Anita Park racetrack near L.A. last February, Hall of Fame jockey Gary Stevens was toweling off in the locker room, feeling disappointed after losing all seven of his races.

29- While toweling off, I gazed down into the blue water I had just left and saw 6 or 8 ten-foot sharks swim by seeking an easy meal.

30- Reese came more than I think I’ve ever seen him cum before, and Trent let loose with such a spray of dick juice that I couldn’t let him stand up before toweling him off simply because I didn’t have a mop handy to clean up for floor.

31- Rooms: 8 en-suite chalets all with minibar/fridges, sofa, two easy chairs, large coffee table, ceiling fan, wooden desk and canvas wardrobe with toweling dressing gowns.

32- ” Just toweling them off and standing away, seeing the mother nicker to her child for the first time, that never gets old,” Malloy said recently from her farm near Hyde Park, N.Y., about two hours south of Saratoga Springs.

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