towelettes in a sentence

Use ‘towelettes’ in a sentence | ‘towelettes’ example sentences

1- Nonwoven towelettes are replacing the cloth “oshibori”.

2- Most provide free bottled water, and even cold towelettes and salted peanuts.

3- However, not all makeup removing towelettes or cleansing cloths are created equal.

4- Scatter canisters of premoistened towelettes around the bedrooms.

5- I remove my make-up every day with Pond’s cold cream and those packaged moistened towelettes .

6- The patient may also want to have at hand moist towelettes or a bidet for cleaning the anus.

7- Pond’s : Their makeup remover towelettes are a great find, as is their Cleansing Lotion & Moisturizer In One.

8- The only way I can see this being great is if you find yourself constantly eating buffalo wings and hate moist towelettes .

9- I also gently remove my makeup with cotton balls and makeup remover , or use soothing Yes To Cucumbers On-The-Go Facial towelettes .

10- Neutrogena Make-up Remover Cleansing towelettes ($8) Regardless of skin type or age, making sure your makeup is completely removed is essential for good skin care, and using a gentle towelette like this is quick, thorough and can be used anywhere.

11- To Disinfect and Deodorize: Items which cannot be immersed such as electrical panels: Thoroughly wet pre-cleaned surface with disinfectant towelettes and allow surface to remain wet for 10 minutes.

12- Short-term dermal risks of concern were identified for occupational handlers who use impregnated towelettes to disinfect hard surfaces (MOE = 70 with gloves).

13- Also included are a pack of tissues, a small scouring pad, matches, water purification tablets, salt and pepper packets, sugar, dry cream powder, moist towelettes , and individual packets of foot powder.

14- His phobia of germs was an homage to “Buffy” producer David Greenwalt, who exhibits similar positive enthusiasm while often wiping his hands with wet towelettes .

15- Flashlights, first aid kits, signal whistles, moist towelettes , garbage bags, local maps, pet food and supplies, as well as identification of pets and medical and shot records for service animals, should also be prepared in advance.

16- Ma Shiying , who sells moist towelettes in the small coastal city of Weifang, Shandong province, heeded the government’s warning and lit fewer fireworks this year.

17- The ANPR also explains how interested parties can supply information for FDA to consider other dosage forms, including powders, towelettes , body washes, and shampoos.

18- Perfect for keeping in your handbag and gentle enough for use morning and evening, Proactiv® Solution Makeup Cleansing Wipes £4.95 (45 towelettes ) gently wipe away excess oil, dirt and other skin impurities and condition the skin.

19- The pack contains a sharp, wedge -shaped point; also ordered tweezers with magnifying glass attached and large box of antiseptic towelettes .

20- Moist towelettes , garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation

21- ● Personal items, such as glasses or contact lens supplies, diapers and baby supplies, sleeping bag or blanket for each person, change of clothes for each person, jacket and cold weather items for each person if applicable, moist towelettes and other personal hygiene items.

22- Use as many towelettes as necessary for the treated area to remain wet for 10 minutes at room temperature 28 Degrees Celsius/68 Degrees Fahrenheit to kill listed organisms.

23- Potential occupational handler exposure can occur in various use sites during the application and use of disinfectant solutions, disinfectant/deodorizing sprays, and disinfectant towelettes ; and the preservation of materials.

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