toweled in a sentence

Use ‘toweled’ in a sentence | ‘toweled’ example sentences

1- Then I wet down my hair and toweled it.

2- Reluctantly, the three pulled themselves from the warm water into the breeze and toweled off.

3- I grabbed the sad city of chocolate, drained the vital liquid, and toweled them off.

4- Sajina splashed almost the whole two lengths of her anchor leg alone as the other teams toweled off.

5- She enjoys being toweled off, and even more-so enjoys a warm bath to get her clean and pretty.

6- Somehow, what was worse was, he toweled the living hell out of his nether regions as well.

7- She was!! They actually said good bye to her, toweled her off, and sometimes gave her a treat.

8- Others wanted to hang in the hot tub, so Banacek and I went to my room, where we toweled off.

9- Lenina got out of the bath, toweled herself dry, took hold of a long flexible tube plugged into the wall, presented the nozzle to her breast, as though she meant to commit suicide, pressed down the trigger.

10- These systems consist of a toweled applied base coat over a primer coat and followed by glass fla filled top coats to achieve excellent chemical resistance, exceptionally low permeation and high physical properties for over all performance of lining & coating.

11- Finally, he turned the shower off, toweled himself dry, and stepping out for the shower, reached for the body cream, another one of Mr Chin’s products.

12- ” His right hand touches his head tenderly as he remembers wincing even when his cornermen toweled him down between rounds.

13- Getting toweled off..

14- – After you ‘ve rinsed the facial scrub off and toweled dry, wrap Kleenex or tissue paper around your pointer fingers, keep wrapping until you no longer feel your nails through the tissue.

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