toward in a sentence 3

Use ‘toward’ in a sentence | ‘toward’ example sentences

99- He often takes a defiant attitude toward us.

100- He assumed an aggressive attitude toward me.

101- I feel like he’s grown cold toward me lately.

102- He behaves respectfully toward his superiors.

103- She always acts politely toward everybody.

104- mamatI saw many people hurrying toward the ball park.

105- Our attitude toward plants is singularly narrow.

106- Happiness consists of working toward one’s goals.

107- She was aware of their hostile feelings toward her.

108- She concealed the change in her feelings toward him.

109- Gravity pulls things toward the center of the earth.

110- There was a weak earthquake toward dawn this morning.

111- Her behaviour toward me was a departure from the norm.

112- I noticed that a small gray animal was looking toward us.

113- The people on board thrust their way toward the rear exit.

114- He holds a very enlightened attitude toward working women.

115- Some people took hostile attitudes toward the illegal aliens.

116- He suddenly took a defiant attitude toward the police officer.

117- A boy is taking his sweet time pushing the cart toward the curb.

118- He went to the beach, and looked far across the sea toward the horizon.

119- Another change in family life is the attitude of parents toward children.

120- My father was taking a nap on the sofa, with his legs stretched toward the fire.

121- The first electric calculator came into existence toward the end of the th century.

122- There is an old proverb which notes that the first step toward greatness is to be honest.

123- The plane we were aboard was flying over the Pacific toward Wake Island at a height of , meters.

124- A Swedish Proverb notes that the day we fear hastens toward us, but the day we long for creeps.

125- crewEvery time you shop at this store, you will earn 5% rewards, which can be used toward future purchases.

126- The attitude of the court toward young criminals is different from its attitude toward adult criminals.

127- Nelson Boswell once said that the first and most important step toward success is the feeling that we can succeed.

128- Violent demonstrations and murders were widespread in South Africa as it moved toward democratic elections in 1994.

129- A system of rewards and punishment can help to shape people away from abnormal actions and toward normal behaviors.

130- Whereas ancient Egyptian art was known for its continuity, Greek art evolved rapidly from stylization toward naturalism.

131- When we look at a distant galaxy, we see it as it was billions of years ago when its light began the journey toward Earth.

132- Up to now we’ve been taking a casual relaxed attitude toward our relationship but I want to start looking at us more critically.

133- NASA’s twin Voyager spacecraft celebrated their 25th year in August of 2002 by speeding toward the very edge of our solar system.

134- Eda LeShan once said that the more alert and sensitive we are to our own needs, the more loving and generous we can be toward others.

135- South Korean President Kim Dae-jung won the Nobel Peace Prize on October 13, 2000, for his efforts toward reconciliation with North Korea.

136- Clement Stone once said, you are a product of your environment, so choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective.

137- An expert recently noted that the world has gradually moved toward cleaner fuels – from wood to coal, from coal to oil, and from oil to natural gas.

138- Norman Vincent Peale once observed that any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure.

139- The private letters of Albert Einstein reveal a difficult personal life – married twice and indifferent toward his children while obsessed with physics.

140- Credibility ratings for the major television outlets have diminished somewhat in recent years, due in large part to increased public cynicism toward the media.

141- The economies of both Armenia and Azerbaijan have been hurt by their inability to make substantial progress toward a peaceful resolution to their border conflict.

142- André Gide once said that it is easier to lead men to combat, stirring up their passion, than to restrain them, and direct them toward the patient labors of peace.

143- Albert Einstein once stated that the unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking, and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophes.

144- Those two are blindly enraptured with each other right now but they say first meeting someone is the first step toward goodbye.

145- I wonder if they’re aware of that.

146- Hosea Ballou once observed that education commences at the mother’s knee, and every word spoken within hearsay of little children tends toward the formation of character.

147- Philosopher Denis Diderot once remarked that what has not been examined impartially has not been well examined.

148- Skepticism is therefore the first step toward truth.

More Sentences: 1234
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