toward in a sentence 2

Use ‘toward’ in a sentence | ‘toward’ example sentences

49- He acted fairly toward me.

50- He walked toward the door.

51- She is very bitter toward me.

52- I saw a man coming toward me.

53- Grandfather nodded toward me.

54- She was cool toward me today.

55- A boy came running toward me.

56- The cat crept toward the bird.

57- My house looks toward the sea.

58- He is very friendly toward me.

59- He was walking toward the sea.

60- The plane flew toward the west.

61- It came to rain toward evening.

62- It began to rain toward evening.

63- I don’t feel hostile toward you.

64- The girl came dancing toward me.

65- He has just set out toward town.

66- We don’t feel hostile toward you.

67- It looks like snow toward evening.

68- She bears malice toward our group.

69- The crowd pressed toward the gate.

70- I saw a horse galloping toward me.

71- It gets extremely cold toward dawn.

72- He turned his thoughts toward home.

73- They made their way toward the town.

74- The boy ran and ran toward the goal.

75- There were toward a thousand people.

76- I take a strong attitude toward her.

77- He ran toward me as fast as he could.

78- There was a mad rush toward the exit.

79- I lean toward accepting the proposal.

80- He bent his steps toward the village.

81- She stood looking out toward the sea.

82- She slowly developed hatred toward me.

83- The soldiers advanced toward the town.

84- He has a tendency toward exaggeration.

85- The road curves gently toward the lake.

86- toward midnight, I fell asleep.

87- BarbicheI have pain toward the end of urination.

88- A pilot guides the ship toward the port.

89- The girls came singing toward the crowd.

90- She has a negative attitude toward life.

91- He took an unfriendly attitude toward me.

92- Who is that boy running toward us?

93- ventanaShe has a bias toward Japanese literature.

94- Many fans came running toward the actress.

95- Their envy was directed toward her beauty.

96- The blind man felt his way toward the exit.

97- He tended to be lenient toward the children.

98- The enemy’s plane suddenly turned toward us.

More Sentences: 1234
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toutingtoutstowin towunder towon towtow awaytowardtowardstowboattowboatstowedtowelbath towelbeach towel

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