totters in a sentence

Use ‘totters’ in a sentence | ‘totters’ example sentences

1- If our foundation totters , the entire structure is at risk.

2- Today the country totters on the edge of economic disaster.

3- Outside the cemetery walls were carts carrying totters from Shepherd’s Bush.

4- Steven totters to caff round corner with Brian from Personnel.

5- The Co-op Bank only totters on at all because capitalists rescued it.

6- Dimmesdale walks like a man in a dream, and once he totters and almost falls.

7- He totters backwards, and staggers through the dark opening into the patch of yard below the railway viaduct.

8- As the inebriated insect totters up, it has to wriggle beneath an overhanging rod which showers it with pollen.

9- Heartbroken and rejected, Lear totters out into the storm with only his Fool and Kent to keep him company.

10- Pale and meager as a dying saint he grows, and a strange illness devours him as if with perpetual fever; and he mortifies the flesh till he totters with weakness.

11- Then it happens to another dancer and, as I am watching the same pattern of recovery, the man next to me throws his arms into the air, totters forward and begins to experience apparently involuntary spasms.

12- But this beautiful monument, raised by the taste and generosity of one emperor to the virtues and glory of another, now totters to its fall; and no distant generation may perhaps see even its ruins only in description.

13- She tried to overcome its voice, but it would be heard; and sometimes such starts of horrible conviction came over her mind, that she felt as one who, awaking from a dream, opens his eyes only to measure the depth of the precipice on which he totters .

14- Meizhuang totters on the brink of death until Zhen Huan’s childhood friend, Imperial Physician Wen, finally succeeds in developing a cure.

15- In the major Irish production centres such as Limerick, Waterford and particularly Cork, crubeens (pigs totters ), drisheen (blood pudding) and tripe were staples of the local diet throughout the 19th and much of the 20th centuries as a result of their plentiful availability.

16- Examples of obstacles in Dizzy Dummies include the Tippy Tables, Teeter totters , Dock Maze, Crazy Beams, Doughnuts and the Barrel Crossing.

17- In a clip from “The Vampires of Venice” the Eleventh Doctor shows his library card, which contains a photograph of the First Doctor and the address of 76 totters Lane.

18- Laws were rarely enforced, and the presence of small children in the factory was explained away to the inspectors saying they were visiting the mill to bring meals to their parents (meal totters ), or helping but not on the payroll (helpers).

19- A critic of violent insurrection “in Ireland”, O’Connell once said that “the altar of liberty totters when it is cemented only with blood,” and yet as late as 1841, O’Connell had whipped his MPs into line to keep the “Opium War” going in China.

20- If the fluid pressure in which the system works is upset, this is a very uncomfortable experience, as anyone who has been seasick will confirm; luckily things quickly return to normal when one totters onto dry land, white and shaken.

21- Since then, the international war against carbon totters on, because Western governments see their green policies, like zombie banks, as too big to fail.

22- Lisa , concerned that she should be wearing something softer, totters up to her wardrobe (an entire room filled with colour-coded handbags, frocks and shoes) and totters back in a skin-tight Hervé Leger frock teamed with fishnet stockings.

23- Lisa , concerned that she should be wearing something softer, totters up to her wardrobe (an entire room filled with colour-coded handbags, frocks and shoes) and totters back in a skin-tight Hervé Leger frock teamed with fishnet stockings.

24- Every infant totters , shrieks, and makes a mess, but we excuse all that, because what enchants us in an infant is its unself-consciousness and its boundless promise.

25- He assures Helen that resistance is vain, for Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles, is approaching like a serpent after casting its skin and old Priam, who totters forth to meet his fate, is slain by him at the altar.

26- But one day the doorpost suddenly totters , and if you do not move out hurriedly–the lintel and rafters will shortly thereafter come down with a crash over your head.

27- a knight totters forward and then to the left

28- Tentatively totters out, gazing around with the eyes

29- Teeter totters (Series 1-4)

30- and totters through the afternoon.

31- Yet, Iraq totters as a failed state, crippled in its ability to meet the basic needs of its people and torn by sectarian violence.

32- ‘There used to be totters ,’ said Billy O’Rourke, With big smelly horses and that And my dad knew gypsies who smile when they talk And live by the tip of the hat.’

33- ” Waugh has also has compared her to a popular cartoon character stating: “She’s like the Tasmanian devil, just a whirlwind hurricane leaving carnage in her wake and then totters off as if that’s completely normal and goes and buys a loaf of bread.

34- “Living an inward life and not an outward life at the same time is like living in a house with no foundation, which gradually settles, or develops cracks and gaps, or totters until it collapses.

35- ‘The altar of liberty totters when it is cemented only with blood’ in his Journal, Dec 1796, and one of O’Connell’s most well-known quotes.

36- ” So rich is the glowering Gracioso that, instead of walking, he has himself wheeled about on a mailroom cart; when he steps off the contraption, he totters unsteadily with hulking strides.

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