toting in a sentence

Use ‘toting’ in a sentence | ‘toting’ example sentences

1- How many neurons are you toting around?

2- No one is going to start toting gold bars around again.

3- He is toting the usual 2 boxes of essential papers.

4- Kids as young as eight are toting deadly weapons.

5- You needn’t start toting your passport.

6- It better not be a gun toting plastic soldier.

7- Just look for someone toting around a travel guide .

8- It involves a shotgun toting priest, but even still.

9- Despite toting a winning record, injuries hobbled the team.

10- Can you ride a whale while toting a harpoon gun ?

11- Young, fearless, good looking and toting a big gun.

12- Are you toting round two metaphorical sticks of wood all day ?

13- This is your return on investment: Children toting semiautomatic weapons.

14- toting his own sack he followed after the Great Roberto.

15- I’ve seen a guy toting an AK-47.

16- You too can be a tree-hugging, gun toting mom!

17- Right here arrives a image of Lindsay Lohan toting a Gucci purse.

18- She followed him out into the hallway, toting her small suitcase.

19- Or perhaps some real , non-gun toting time with his mother.

20- That’s a huge percentage of the world’s population toting mobile gadgets.

21- In the winter, she enjoys chopping and toting wood and snowshoeing.

22- The Baggallini Metro Bag, more practical for toting her school supplies.

23- Meanwhile, Jasmine’s Paris Fashion Week appearances are quickly toting up.

24- toting AK’s and the like.

25- We see enough kindergartners toting iPads to know that ‘s a losing battle.

26- Chinese typically travel with very little, and here I was toting the kitchen sink.

27- One of the two options for toting Fido is a rack mounted rear basket.

28- And will he survive the gun toting clowns who used to be his friends?

29- Then gun toting nazis can see why LAWS are important in a civil society .

30- Arles isn’t full of rich celebrities, it’s full of camera toting tourists.

31- Nope, they had no merry band of gun toting militia to help them out.

32- Sandalled army toting whipper-snippers slashing grass.

33- The Japanese funneled the POWs onto the road and escorted them with gun toting guards.

34- But start toting up the major edge cases : Note: includes mild and limited disability.

35- They should be able to make this shotgun toting poacher ( murder) REALLY dead.

36- I bought a custom Eula after toting around a Classic Messenger for some time.

37- Rupert just want publicity thats why he is toting Kristen … and Liberty wants pity too.

38- It is a pretty and summery bag with plenty of room for toting your daytime essentials.

39- According to Paige, his nickname originated from childhood work toting bags at the train station. He is reported to have described himself online as a “gun-toting” atheist.

40- “Some call me a gun-toting Liberal, others call me an open-minded Conservative,” he posted.

41- Ominous introductory music gave way to images of rifle-toting jihadists and caged prisoners.

42- Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don’t care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks.

43- Agyeman herself states that she was never in any worry about Martha becoming too gun-toting: “I never felt any danger of that happening.

44- One local, the gun-toting Mr Smythe, even went so far as to threaten the foreign visitor with execution should he be unable to prove his identity and credentials.

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