totally in a sentence 3

Use ‘totally’ in a sentence | ‘totally’ example sentences

98- By lying to me about this, you have totally negated all the trust we had built up.

99- Sitting in front of the television, he had a totally blank expression on his face.

100- The room was totally empty, except for a naked light bulb hanging from the ceiling.

101- Why does mom wear such a small bikini? It looks totally gross on a 50-year-old woman.

102- I think he is totally justified in quitting his job, they were really underpaying him.

103- Scientists are currently working on developing a plastic that is totally biodegradable.

104- I’m totally in love with this woman at work, but she doesn’t even seem to know I exist.

105- The boys played street hockey all afternoon, so by suppertime they were totally bushed.

106- The mathematics course I took was totally beyond my comprehension, so I had to drop out.

107- Everyone has totally lost confidence in him because of his poor performance in the past.

108- My sister is totally clueless, she thinks that the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park were real.

109- I totally blew my final exam, and I think I’ve probably failed the course because of it.

110- Personally, I am totally skeptical of people who claim to be able to foretell the future.

111- The rats were totally overcrowded in the cages, and mothers began to eat their offspring.

112- It’s totally without precedent for the suspect’s attorney to be the true culprit.

113- kebukebuShe won over five million dollars in the lottery, but 3 years later she was totally broke.

114- My wife’s and my work schedules are totally different, so we don’t get much time together.

115- I’m totally clueless when it comes to car engines, so I’m really dependent on my mechanic.

116- Racist comments against others are totally unacceptable, no matter what the circumstances.

117- My computer totally crashed, but luckily the computer store was able to rescue all my data.

118- Heather is totally content to stay at home with her new baby for the first couple of years.

119- They were totally unimpressed by the presentation, and have decided to cancel the contract.

120- Composer Gioacchino Rossini reportedly could only find inspiration by getting totally drunk.

121- She has only a superficial resemblance to her mother, their characters are totally different.

122- He is an excellent scientist, but he is totally unable to communicate his knowledge to others.

123- He is very affectionate in public, and it totally embarrasses his girlfriend, who is quite shy.

124- Studies suggest that estimates of the number of child workers worldwide are totally unreliable.

125- Jim’s promotion was totally unexpected, given that the guy is the laziest person in the office.

126- The new student was so nervous that he remained totally mute during his entire discussion class.

127- It is totally irresponsible for you to get your girlfriend pregnant, and then break up with her.

128- The Reform party has made itself totally irrelevant to the discussions with its hardline stance.

129- So much of modern fashion is totally ridiculous, no one would ever wear these clothes in public.

130- Football coach George Allen once remarked that winning is the science of being totally prepared.

131- She was totally devastated when she heard that the airliner her husband was piloting had crashed.

132- He is totally against abortion except in cases where the woman became pregnant after being raped.

133- You took what I said totally out of context.

134- You know very well that I was just teasing you.

135- The President seems totally unconcerned by the misery of the millions of unemployed in this country.

136- Some scenes in the play are totally unscripted, so the story changes somewhat with each performance.

137- I had to ride my bike to school in the pouring rain, so I was totally soaked by the time I got home.

138- The CEO of the company stated that the charges of corruption levelled against him were totally false.

139- My neighbor’s twin daughters are physically very similar, but their characters are totally different.

140- There can be no analogy to a nuclear war: it is totally beyond all human experience and comprehension.

141- My grandfather was totally brutalized by his experiences in the war, and never wanted to talk about it.

142- The front row of spectators got totally soaked when the whale leaped out of the water in front of them.

143- Her behavior in this situation is totally indefensible.

144- I think she should be fired immediately.

145- The remark by Prime Minister Beaumont totally contradicted the Minister of Finance’s previous statement.

146- It is important for a teacher to be totally impartial when determining which students will pass or fail.

147- The other women in the office were totally disgusted by their boss’ poor treatment of the new secretary.

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