totality in a sentence

Use ‘totality’ in a sentence | ‘totality’ example sentences

1- The locals roam around during totality snapping flash pictures.

2- The totality design combination was so influencing ideas.

3- The clear skies last until about 30 minutes before totality .

4- The totality of the incentives is staggering.

5- This is known as ” totality of circumstances”.

6- It gets thicker and thicker as totality approaches.

7- For philosophy is the science of totality .

8- Do NOT try to change film during totality .

9- Jupiter and Venus shone brilliantly during totality .

10- Islam rejects all these concepts in totality .

11- The totality of all believers since Pentecost.

12- This conception of totality is found in Aristotle.

13- Our thought tries to approximate the totality that has been lost.

14- Ideas only approximate the totality of meaning.

15- Nor is the totality a sum of those functions.

16- But these temporal functions are not the totality itself.

17- The philosophy of totality rejects mechanical causation in relation to humans.

18- Jung does not always distinguish between totality and the additive sum.

19- These ingredients together comprise the totality of the human environment.

20- And contradiction allows for change within the totality of social relations.

21- He wrote “The film in totality is not boring.

22- The totality is present even in the broken pieces.

23- For this purpose, the totality principle is excluded.

24- Their knowledge encompasses the totality of all times.

25- Infinity must never be collapsed into any finite totality .

26- It requires the totality of our existence.

27- Levinas argues that infinity extends beyond totality .

28- The structure of totality “overarches” the aspects.

29- Shortly thereafter, the thread was deleted in its totality .

30- The Idea of totality is essential to his philosophy.

31- This may exceed the size of G-7 economies in totality .

32- Every fact connected to it is seen instantly, in totality .

33- The totality of representations is governed by the group’s characters.

34- Well , at least not by totality .

35- That is the sum and totality of this thing.

36- Also the statistical totality of all involved electrons does know nothing.

37- The zenith of totality is close to French Guiana.

38- The body will fall away in its totality at death.

39- Dooyeweerd emphasizes the referring nature of reality to this deeper totality .

40- The totality of the Son’s sacrifice. Jacques Maritain once suggested that poetry proceeds from the totality of man: sense, imagination, intellect, love, desire, instinct, blood and spirit together.

41- At perigee (as now) the Sun will be completely blocked by the moon during totality.

42- Light filtering through leaves on trees casts crescent shadows as totality approaches.

43- “I don’t remember saying anything like that at all, and that’s totality out of my character.

44- In supramental perception, one understands any issues from its many sides; as well as its essence, totality, and wholeness.

45- Indeed, since perception is only possible through the limitation of a totality, every perception essentially calls for its overtaking by a movement.

46- Turkey as a totality, is generally accepted as part of the Middle East and Asia rather than as part of the Balkan region.

47- ” Perry spokeswoman Katherine Cesinger said the Governor had weighed the “totality of the issues that led to (Willingham’s) conviction.

48- Tolkien applied the word legendarium to the totality of these writings.

49- The engine provides a 3D view of part or the totality of the world map, depending on the played game.

50- Assessing Priestley’s works as a totality has been difficult for scholars because of his wide-ranging interests.

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