tonsillectomy in a sentence

Use ‘tonsillectomy’ in a sentence | ‘tonsillectomy’ example sentences

1- In chronic cases tonsillectomy may be required.

2- Billings thus popularized intervention by tonsillectomy and dental extraction.

3- California girl is brain dead from complications after a tonsillectomy .

4- Also, consider the case of tonsillectomies .

5- Both tonsils were removed via a tonsillectomy the following month.

6- Wanda Consider a consult on a tonsillectomy .

7- When I was growing up, tonsillectomies were routinely performed on children.

8- Is it something like a tonsillectomy . Or is it terminal?

9- A surgical risk for laryngoscopy and tonsillectomy include dysgeusia.

10- Most people are aware of terms like tonsillitis and a tonsillectomy .

11- tonsillectomy is also often done to help with sleep apnea and throat infections.

12- The very sick had been wheeled into spaces vacated by simple fracture and tonsillectomies .

13- No surgeons in the Yorkshire region perform tonsillectomy as a day case procedure.

14- It gave him a tonsillectomy , an appendectomy and a vasectomy.

15- My daughter had a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy when she was 4+ years old.

16- I have to have a tonsillectomy Tues and I am very nervous.

17- I’d heard that the popularity of tonsillectomies had declined, but golly!

18- Treatment options include serial aspiration, local incision and drainage or surgical drainage with tonsillectomy .

19- tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy What are the tonsils?

20- Does My Child Need a tonsillectomy ?

21- We went to Dr. Wesman who eventually did surgery – adenoidectomy and tonsillectomy .

22- The condition appears to improve with tonsillectomy or immunosuppression, suggesting an immunologic cause.

23- By 1977, abortion was a more common medical procedure in the US than tonsillectomies .

24- Many patients are not given adequate information before their tonsillectomy to prepare and manage their recovery.

25- McMath underwent a tonsillectomy and other operations to alleviate her sleep apnea on Dec. 9.

26- Knowing the facts can help alleviate the fears of both parents and kids facing a tonsillectomy .

27- The first report of tonsillectomy was made by the Roman surgeon Celsus in 30 AD.

28- Has any one had only adenoid removal and NOT returned for a tonsillectomy ? 3.

29- But most feminists do not believe that abortion is merely the moral equivalent of a tonsillectomy .

30- The endoscopic microdebrider is used in performing a partial tonsillectomy , by partially shaving the tonsils.

31- However, the partial tonsillectomy is suggested for enlarged tonsils – not those that incur repeated infections.

32- tonsillectomy and uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP or UP3) are available to address pharyngeal obstruction.

33- Anecdotal data from all three studies suggests that tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy should not be considered low-risk procedures.

34- Children were also often on the receiving end of the tonsillectomy a fashionable surgical procedure during these years.

35- During June 2007, Tuck suffered from laryngitis, which let to an emergency tonsillectomy in July.

36- tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy is curative.

37- I was circumcised at 8 years of age when they took me to the hospital for a tonsillectomy .

38- During the 1930s, over 50% of children in the United States in Britain had tonsillectomies .

39- Little Jahi went in for what was expected to be a routine tonsillectomy to help her sleep apnea.

40- The procedure to remove the tonsils is called a tonsillectomy ; excision of the adenoids is an adenoidectomy. Surgery tonsillectomy may be indicated if bad breath due to tonsillar stones persists despite other measures.

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