tonsil in a sentence

Use ‘tonsil’ in a sentence | ‘tonsil’ example sentences

1- The tonsils are noticeably red, usually scarlet red.

2- Normal tonsil specimens were used as positive controls.

3- The tonsils protect your throat against infections.

4- In between throat infections, their tonsils may remain massively enlarged.

5- tonsils are thought to help fight infections by producing antibodies.

6- Her tonsils were huge and she produced much mucus.

7- So here is my experience with tonsil stones.

8- They have swollen tonsils and offensive breath.

9- Vincent had his tonsils taken out yesterday.

10- The tissue is similar to the tonsils .

11- Perhaps your tonsils are filled with bacteria.

12- One sign is swelling of the tonsils .

13- I have been getting tonsil stones since I was about 16.

14- Sure enough her tonsils were huge and had a few spots.

15- Your tonsils are the only organ that produce polio anti bodies.

16- My son is eleven and just had his tonsils removed.

17- Removing tonsils does not seem to help with ear infections.

18- A doctor had recommended for him a tonsil operation.

19- Free dentists, free operations, free tonsils , free milk.

20- tonsils are swollen in response to an invasion.

21- They were taking her tonsils out or something.

22- He still had enlarged tonsils and a chronic runny nose.

23- Both tonsils were removed via a tonsillectomy the following month.

24- Her tonsils become enlarged when she’s got a cold.

25- She said he won the prize for the largest tonsils .

26- His tonsils were always infected and he often had a high temperature.

27- My son had his giant tonsils removed when he was almost 4.

28- Have a look at your great big tonsils ?

29- If the tonsils are primarily affected, it is called tonsillitis.

30- Fever and enlarged inflamed tonsils covered by pus.

31- If tonsils and adenoids are present, they are removed.

32- Aaron begins to bang his tonsils and Tyler was loving it!

33- He recalled: “I refused to have my tonsils removed.

34- I mean you don’t get tonsil cancer do ya?

35- Your tonsils become swollen and develop a whitish-yellow covering.

36- Others recommended shortening the uvula or removing the tonsils .

37- tonsillitis occurs when the tonsils become inflamed from infection.

38- Hi, Our son had huge tonsils and adenoids.

39- The big cocks pound out her tonsils as her eyes water.

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