titmouse in a sentence

Use ‘titmouse’ in a sentence | ‘titmouse’ example sentences

1- The titmouse is a year-round resident in many areas.

2- Titmice enjoy eating black oil sunflower seed.

3- Tufted titmouse adjacent to parking lots and roads are accessible.

4- Robins live mostly on the floors of woods while titmice explore the twigs.

5- Titmice are cavity nester, often preferring to build nests in tree cavities.

6- Animation is done at titmouse , Inc. in Los Angeles.

7- Titmice seem like the ladies and gentlemen of the bird-feeding station.

8- I signed Tommy titmouse in a scrawl and put the time.

9- The most common birds include titmice and the Acorn Woodpecker.

10- titmouse Inc is pumped for Comic-Con this year, especially the parties.

11- Nesters include Barred Owl and Tufted titmouse .

12- Summering species have included Barred Owl, Dickcissel and Tufted titmouse .

13- During winter months, titmice form flocks that include parents and young, usually three to six birds.

14- Of all the regular visitors at our feeders, one of my favorites is the Tufted titmouse .

15- It is produced by titmouse , Inc. and Boulder Media Limited for Disney’s London-based content hub.

16- Robins, thrushes, mockingbirds, jays, and titmice have been observed to use this bathing technique.

17- Always happy to see them, but I wondered: why is it called a ” titmouse “, anyway?

18- You can encourage the Tufted titmouse to spend more time in your backyard by presenting peanuts in a peanut feeder.

19- Later, when exploring the grounds, I met several wrens, as well as titmice , blackbirds and chaffinches.

20- Having sold off the good stuff, they ate anything, by season: ears, intestines, thrushes, titmice .

21- With its pointed topknot and big, black eyes, the Tufted titmouse is always a welcome sight at Wing Haven.

22- A total of 56 11-minute episodes will be produced by DreamWorks Animation Television, with production services provided by titmouse .

23- Chickadees, Nuthatches, and Titmice Chickadees, titmice , and nuthatches share the same food, feeders, and habitats.

24- Many other species of birds – including titmice , nuthatches, and warblers – can often be found foraging in these flocks.

25- Retrievers (Labrador) – Bitches Puppy – 1st Mrs. Z. Gray-Marshall’s THEBERTON titmouse OF ZINZARA, – black, she’s a lovely size and balance, and won this class on her very lovely typical head and eye and expression, correct fore chest and well angled front with good bone.

26- Platform, hopper feeders, and hanging feeders attract many different types of songbirds such as cardinals, finches, titmice , and chickadees.

27- For the love story, he especially liked antiphonal singers, pairs of birds that sing and respond to each other, like wrens, titmice and cardinals.

28- If you put a nestbox in an area of dry or dense shrubbery and trees, you will get wrens, flycatchers, titmice , not bluebirds.

29- It is indirect in the case of two flocks of geese quartering the same ground; direct in the case of two titmice fighting over a piece of fat on a bird table.

30- My favorites are the morning dove, blue jay, cardinal, tufted titmouse , black capped chickadee, red-bellied woodpecker, cedar waxwing, eastern blue bird, goldfinch, and summer tanager.

31- That ring dove, who was cooing half a mile away, has hushed his moan; that flock of long-tailed titmice , which were twinging and pecking about the fir-cones a few minutes since, are gone: and now there is not even a gnat to quiver in the slant sun-rays.

32- Join Jim Mahfood and the artists of titmouse Mook 2 as they sign books, eat sausages from the Wien Truck , and generally kick back after a long weekend in San Diego.

33- Titmice feed on small insects – caterpillars, wasps, beetles, spiders and snails – as well as acorns, wild fruits, and nuts.

34- Ever alert and inquisitive, the titmouse is a woodland bird that gathers in small flocks with chickadees, nuthatches and kinglets during the winter months.

35- Raw Peanuts Higher in essential fat and protein than peanut hearts and pieces, Raw Peanuts are a great attraction for titmice , nuthatches, wrens, and woodpeckers.

36- In winter, the visitors center’s bird feeding station attracts Tufted titmouse and winter finches. co ln Hw y 30 52 53 52 80 ADDRESS: 2501 Highland Park Drive, Joliet, 60432 WILL COUN TY 54 GRUN DY COUN TY DIRECTIONS: From I-80, exit Briggs Street and travel 6 north.

37- On April 29, 2013 crew member George Krstic posted a tweet that the studio titmouse , Inc. was having a meeting on bringing back Motorcity and Megas XLR.

38- However, during the breeding season, the mimicking ability of the male is at its best display, impersonating sounds from tufted titmice , northern cardinals, Wood thrushes, northern flickers, among other species.

39- Terri Schwartz of Zap2it, in addition to interviewing Neely and Weidenfeld at titmouse , Inc., gave the second season a positive review.

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