titmice in a sentence

Use ‘titmice’ in a sentence | ‘titmice’ example sentences

1- titmice enjoy eating black oil sunflower seed.

2- Robins live mostly on the floors of woods while titmice explore the twigs.

3- titmice are cavity nester, often preferring to build nests in tree cavities.

4- titmice seem like the ladies and gentlemen of the bird-feeding station.

5- The most common birds include titmice and the Acorn Woodpecker.

6- During winter months, titmice form flocks that include parents and young, usually three to six birds.

7- Robins, thrushes, mockingbirds, jays, and titmice have been observed to use this bathing technique.

8- Later, when exploring the grounds, I met several wrens, as well as titmice , blackbirds and chaffinches.

9- Having sold off the good stuff, they ate anything, by season: ears, intestines, thrushes, titmice .

10- Chickadees, Nuthatches, and titmice Chickadees, titmice, and nuthatches share the same food, feeders, and habitats.

11- Chickadees, Nuthatches, and titmice Chickadees, titmice , and nuthatches share the same food, feeders, and habitats.

12- Many other species of birds – including titmice , nuthatches, and warblers – can often be found foraging in these flocks.

13- Platform, hopper feeders, and hanging feeders attract many different types of songbirds such as cardinals, finches, titmice , and chickadees.

14- For the love story, he especially liked antiphonal singers, pairs of birds that sing and respond to each other, like wrens, titmice and cardinals.

15- If you put a nestbox in an area of dry or dense shrubbery and trees, you will get wrens, flycatchers, titmice , not bluebirds.

16- It is indirect in the case of two flocks of geese quartering the same ground; direct in the case of two titmice fighting over a piece of fat on a bird table.

17- That ring dove, who was cooing half a mile away, has hushed his moan; that flock of long-tailed titmice , which were twinging and pecking about the fir-cones a few minutes since, are gone: and now there is not even a gnat to quiver in the slant sun-rays.

18- titmice feed on small insects – caterpillars, wasps, beetles, spiders and snails – as well as acorns, wild fruits, and nuts.

19- Raw Peanuts Higher in essential fat and protein than peanut hearts and pieces, Raw Peanuts are a great attraction for titmice , nuthatches, wrens, and woodpeckers.

20- However, during the breeding season, the mimicking ability of the male is at its best display, impersonating sounds from tufted titmice , northern cardinals, Wood thrushes, northern flickers, among other species.

21- The peak is home to many species of birds, including blue-gray gnatcatchers, lazuli buntings, oak titmice , acorn woodpeckers, and California quail on the lower slopes, and mountain quail, mountain chickadees, and red-breasted nuthatches on the upper slopes.

22- Food is taken by gleaning and clambering through branches to look under leaves as typical for tanagers (Isler & Isler 1987); the birds do not hang down from branches like titmice .

23- Gray Squirrels, Groundhogs, Raccoons, Crows, Red-tailed Hawks, Downy Woodpeckers, Cardinals, Blue Jays, American Robins, Nuthatches, titmice , and Sparrows are also found in the White Deer Hole Creek watershed.

24- They are rewarded with visits by not only cardinals , titmice … Related News In the coming weeks, you’ll likely hear nature’s realm filled with low-pitched hoots and calls.

25- Along the way you will see the common forest and field birds; rusty and red-winged blackbirds, chickadees, neotropic warblers, titmice , chipping sparrows, blue grosbeaks, various woodpeckers and a few shorebirds, as well as great blue herons and bald eagles.

26- Titmouse nests are usually made of moss, bark, hair, and other soft materials. (After brushing your pet, puts its hair out for nesting material.) titmice lay five to eight eggs (creamy white, spotted with brown).

27- You might also hear male titmice chanting a song that sounds like peter, peter, peter . This is their way of defending their territory against other males and announcing their presence to any females in the area.

28- Paridae: tits, chickadees, and titmice

29- An investigation of why male titmice , or great tits (Parus major), woodland birds of Europe, sing multiple songs serves to illustrate how a behavioral function can be studied by exploiting naturally existing variation.

30- These birds are called either “chickadees” (onomatopoeic, derived from their distinctive “chick-a dee dee dee” alarm call) or ” titmice ” in North America, and just “tits” in the rest of the English-speaking world.

31- “He [also] made a study of the mockers, wrens, thrashers, titmice , creepers, nuthatches, and kinglets, but did not report upon them.” We love the cardinals, bluebirds, tufted titmice, hummingbirds and chickadees.

32- These are flycatchers closely related to titmice and chickadees ( Paridae ) Barker et al.

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