titillated in a sentence

Use ‘titillated’ in a sentence | ‘titillated’ example sentences

1- Many of my new friends seemed to be titillated .

2- Sadly, one gentleman in the crowd was not as titillated .

3- But be bold as your titillated senses prompt you to be.

4- I can be titillated or tempted for only so long.

5- I dangled and titillated them, controlled and manipulated them.

6- He titillated himself with thoughts of her applying that cruelty to him.

7- But her charms titillated the local gentry and she soon got ideas about herself.

8- It was that sweeter flavour that first titillated the taste buds of young Swedes abroad.

9- You can create the meta about, where she needs to grasp touched and titillated .

10- The unusual titillated his imagination.

11- She despises the mystery novel genre because, in her words, “I hate being titillated .

12- She accused the “peanut crunching” public of wanting to be titillated by the family’s tragedies.

13- As writer and director , Korine wants us to be appalled and aroused, hypnotized and titillated .

14- If the more intellectual middle-class members were titillated by such political discourse, the IFL had more mundane functions.

15- We feel we can go on eating and drinking and living for today, just mildly titillated by guilt.

16- The title titillated with promise, but Morrow’s account–while intriguing–all too often veers off track.

17- Provocatively, she titillated his hanging scrotum; caressing the wrinkled pouch with little scratches of her long fingernails.

18- Although titillated , Ralph doesn’t dare to use it, not wanting to make enemies on the first night.

19- The rage of a hungry lion, constantly titillated with hunks of red meat, which are pulled away from him.

20- Moviegoers expecting to be titillated were taken aback by this drama’s raw, taboo-breaking examination of misogyny and dysfunctional relationships.

21- Film historian Mark Vieira writes, “Audiences were mesmerized by her beauty and titillated by her love scenes with Gilbert.

22- This nine piece band has titillated and wowed crowds from the Rio Grande, to SoHo, to the Sunshine State.

23- Hitchcock makes a significant change to Highsmith by having Miriam aware and titillated by the intriguing stranger (Bruno) following her.

24- And they were titillated by the thought that maybe some change could come about, especially now that they’re stuck anyhow.

25- She has lurid, horror-themed, symbolic dreams about the General, in which she is both titillated and repulsed by him.

26- Uncomfortably cocked in a chair in a crowded viewing room, I was unexpectedly whisked away into a world of glorious excess and artifice that titillated both my senses and curiosity.

27- In a way, the revolution had been a long time coming and somewhat contained in America, despite the reactions of the mass media which had been – like all conservative America – horrified, if not titillated by the lurid images of beat youth.

28- Thus the eye could be subjected to precise ‘reality’, or it could be repositioned, led, titillated or deceived.

29- This should be treated as a far more serious matter than the chance for the prurient to get suitably titillated by writing and reading about it.

30- The news of the noisy row in the big house at the top of the street titillated spasmodic interest in the Spinners’ Saloon Bar all evening.

31- They are titillated by these “hairless”, shapely creatures and discover that the broadcast came from Earth, so they set off toward Earth and southern California.

32- For over fifteen minutes she dutifully teased and titillated his slumbering pestle with sweet sucking and gentle licking until finally it answered her patient ministrations.

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