titillate in a sentence

Use ‘titillate’ in a sentence | ‘titillate’ example sentences

1- She made no attempt to deliberately titillate her audiences .

2- It is designed to shock and titillate them.

3- Good read, very titillating … Round 2?

4- Underwear is sometimes partly exposed for fashion reasons or to titillate .

5- When I painful this patient to titillate the doctor’s today.

6- You don’t just write a sermon to titillate .

7- Many of my new friends seemed to be titillated .

8- To titillate Amativeness , mainly, are novels written and read.

9- Headlines are designed to titillate , not educate.

10- Are these characters designed to titillate or satirize ?

11- Valleywag has already created an ad based on this titillating marketing text.

12- Sadly, one gentleman in the crowd was not as titillated .

13- But be bold as your titillated senses prompt you to be.

14- I can be titillated or tempted for only so long.

15- She has a clarity and simplicity of delivery that titillates the senses.

16- I suspect most of the women found it quite titillating to answer.

17- Such possibilities are titillating , although purely conjectural and possibly completely fantastical.

18- I dangled and titillated them, controlled and manipulated them.

19- And fondly gaze the titillating dust.

20- These books were potboiler novels, designed to sell quickly and titillate audiences.

21- If Kubrick meant for this material to titillate , it fails miserably.

22- He titillated himself with thoughts of her applying that cruelty to him.

23- Episodes of American Horror Story are more titillating than this dreck.

24- She had her extensive relief charities and along with it, titillating scandals.

25- Yet the possibility of conspiracy titillates .

26- Remarks Ekta, “There’s no intention to titillate .

27- His nudes do not titillate , caught unawares.

28- Joy felt the scene had been “dragged in simply to titillate the audience.

29- Why do supposedly mature adults still find underwear rude and, therefore, titillating ?

30- Ulis has an understanding of basketball ‘s geometry that would titillate Euclid.

31- She was obviously going for shocking , and it wasn’t even titillating .

32- But her charms titillated the local gentry and she soon got ideas about herself.

33- But the facts behind that indictment are not nearly as titillating as the speculation.

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