tires in a sentence

Use ‘tires’ in a sentence | ‘tires’ example sentences

1- Law enforcement reported waters were high enough to cover tires .

2- Solid tires always slip on damp roads.

3- Our truck is equipped with solid tires .

4- The car is equipped with pneumatic tires .

5- Another interesting thing about tires is tire stitching.

6- Air filled tires equal a more luxurious ride.

7- Only 17% of vehicles had four properly inflated tires .

8- The list of sticky street tires is miles long.

9- All axles except the steering axle require dual tires .

10- Wire beads are used on inexpensive tires .

11- Flat tires and equipment breakdowns are common.

12- All models were equipped with white wall tires .

13- Later improvements included solid rubber tires and ball bearings.

14- It rolls more easily than smaller diameter tires .

15- It is fitted with solid rubber tires .

16- Not all racing classes allow rain tires .

17- The building material is tires filled with earth.

18- A robot never tires or gets bored.

19- The locals set car tires burning and left.

20- Front and rear tires may need different pressure.

21- Many municipal recycling facilities accept tires , preferably without rims.

22- With seven laps remaining, several drivers started getting flat tires .

23- I use both solid and pneumatic tires .

24- The front tires were separately bolted to the chassis.

25- I also heard tires exploding on automobiles parked inside burning garages.

26- There are also private facilities that accept tires .

27- The car had four bald tires and no spare.

28- The tires are hard and the suspension is stiff.

29- The conditions were impossible for the tires .

30- Then try the big tires on both ends.

31- Make sure that your tires are properly inflated.

32- Snow tires or chains may be required.

33- A horse tires when oxygen debt makes his muscles ache.

34- Solutions range from better tires to cutting edge hybrid technology.

35- The burning tires were set to provide smoke screen for protesters.

36- Goodyear racing tires were used on all cars.

37- Bicycle tires may hold air or not.

38- Contemporary tires have improved upon this measure significantly.

39- It had suspension and steel wheels with pneumatic rubber tires .

40- Few tires are made to this size presently. spaNo tires piedras.

41- He put air in his tires.

42- In a word, he tires of everything.

43- Replace the old tires with new ones.

44- A black limo rounded the corner with a squeal of tires.

45- My new bicycle tires have a wider tread than the old ones.

46- You should rotate the tires on your car regularly for even wear.

47- I damaged the tires of my car while driving on a really rough road.

48- Find someone who has driven a car with chains on the tires.

49- challengeYou should check the tire inflation on your car when the tires are cold.

50- These tires will grip the road, and keep you from sliding in wet weather.

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