tireless in a sentence

Use ‘tireless’ in a sentence | ‘tireless’ example sentences

1- Their tireless efforts are finally paying off.

2- The yards were centres of tireless industry.

3- She is experienced and is a tireless worker.

4- This argument approach uses tireless repetition of an idea.

5- Her tireless efforts to seduce him are unsuccessful.

6- Your skin is tireless , working constantly to regenerate itself.

7- He is trained , intense and tireless .

8- She was tireless , persistent, dogged.

9- Bradbury was a tireless promoter of reading and libraries.

10- His tireless activity had a lasting effect on the island.

11- Davis was also considered a tireless Extension worker.

12- Rice was a prolific, even tireless writer.

13- He was tireless in studying, preparing and rehearsing.

14- The guy is tireless and bowls his heart out .

15- His tireless missions greatly quickened religious feeling throughout Italy.

16- She was tireless in her ambition and always innovative.

17- She was a tireless advocate for victims of domestic violence.

18- Their efforts were tireless and many of their discoveries without reward.

19- After 20 years of tireless service, Fr.

20- He was, apparently, tireless and very strong.

21- The home side’s tireless support play ensured they were rarely troubled.

22- She has been a tireless crusader against hunger for thirty .

23- Black Blade in particular is a tireless poster of such links.

24- I value your friendship and appreciate your tireless work.

25- Who is tireless in her devotion to this club?

26- He was a tireless campaigner for modernization of the armed forces.

27- The dog, seemingly tireless , roamed eagerly ahead.

28- Mitchell rapidly earned a reputation as a daring and tireless leader .

29- No poisonous corruption to worry, this is openly tireless treatable.

30- His days and nights were devoted with tireless assiduity to study.

31- Authors must be free to leave tireless reproduction of saintly biographies.

32- Richmond Palmer was a tireless extemporizer upon this theme.

33- We applaud Catherine for her tireless efforts to improve our school.

34- He could gallop the range with tireless legs.

35- Pete would have admired Chip’s tireless pursuit of innovative design.

36- That’s one indicator of a hard and tireless worker.

37- He’s a tireless political campaigner, you say.

38- He was a carpenter and a teacher and a tireless worker.

39- Bless you for your vision and tireless sharing of healing resources!

40- Evidently it did not share the tireless dedication of its driver. Her tireless obsession with rain-forest conservation confounded him.

41- Like Kovesi, Stanciu describes herself as “tireless” in her struggle.

42- Julian was a visionary and tireless champion for civil and human rights.

43- “Doug has been a tireless worker for the people of Alberta for many years.

44- In a statement today, the president commended Klain’s “dedicated and tireless” work.

45- 859872Through their tireless dedication and teamwork, justice has been preserved for Yakima County.

46- The sign of his presence is the ability to work or experience with tireless enthusiasm beyond one’s normal capacities.

47- Again club volunteers gave tireless hours to erect a new covered stand and terracing to further improve the club’s grounds.

48- While a successful performer in his own right, Campbell is best known as a tireless advocate for black actors in general.

49- Her inner and outer beauty, disarming personality and tireless enthusiasm proved the perfect combination for serving others in a variety of ways.

50- The survivors owed their rescue in large measure to the tireless, efficient and in many cases heroic action of the people of Lawn and St. Lawrence, Newfoundland.

More Sentences: 12
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