tinkle of in a sentence

Use ‘tinkle of’ in a sentence | ‘tinkle of’ example sentences

1- A crunch of metal, a tinkle of glass.

2- At last, the tinkle of laughter came through his palmtop.

3- Shop life: tinkle of money, rustle of notes, voices.

4- Après moi le tinkle of broken glass, wrote Harsnet.

5- They convey both the throb and the tinkle of London’s street scene.

6- The lake was below, the dull tinkle of cowbells came up to me.

7- As she was pondering ideas, she heard the tinkle of bells on the door.

8- The Brigadier had heard the faint tinkle of sheepbells and the distant bark of the younger dog.

9- The tinkle of calipers and hacksaws in the sterilising bowl, the naughty smack of rubber gloves.

10- The tinkle of bells and the cries of ‘Santas’ collecting for various charities filled the air.

11- The last thing Ardamal heard as he raced down the corridor was the tinkle of metal parts hitting the floor.

12- These practices are accompanied by the tinkle of the ornaments fastened to the shaman’s costume ( sample 7 ).

13- At the sound of the clatter of wooden sticks and the soft tinkle of a bell, Cranston hurriedly stepped back.

14- From the depths of the dense woods the boy heard the shepherd maidens’ songs and the tinkle of the cow bells.

15- They stood in silence: two living hedges of worn and stinking humanity between which the cavalcade passed with no sound but the tinkle of harness.

16- To her credit, she tried very hard not to even once look over at the table, though she was being subjected to the constant tinkle of happy laughter, which made her think Matthew must be at his witty best.

17- I do believe, for the matter of that, they are always sounding in nature’s least chambers as well; but there is the tinkle of a silver bell, and there is the thunder of the great organ.

18- Still I was not satisfied, but tore my handkerchief in two and made fast to either heel the rowel of my spurs, which otherwise had a little tinkle of their own.

19- Bright sunshine, dancing blue waves, the rustle of forest leaves, and the tinkle of mountain streams seem to have little charm for Ambrose Bierce, and to those of us who love these things he wears an uncanny look.

20- Total tranquility is what it’s about up here; not a sound but the lazy buzzing of insects, the whirring of grasshoppers and the distant tinkle of a cow bell, just ideal for a relaxing break.

21- And somewhere in the bistros of the French concession, in the furtive rendezvous of the Shanghai conspirators, you can hear the metallic tinkle of 30 pieces of silver.

22- The next light wave that came rushing in brought with it the scent of newly ploughed acres, and far off in the distance the milkmaids were heard coaxing the cows – and the tinkle of the sheep’s bells.

23- She waited a moment to wonder, then remembrance came, and with it a little low laugh like a tinkle of bells.

24- It was only a few seconds later, just as she was finishing an easy row of plain knitting, that she heard the tinkle of Faye’s bell, a clamorous, urgent sound that cut across the dreamy mood of the October afternoon.

25- I sat up for the next few nights, my head poking out of the back skylight of the loft, my ears straining for the tinkle of glass breaking or muffled curses, or the more usual signal of the birds being disturbed and taking flight, but nothing more happened.

26- Some nights, when the moon is full and the sky is clear of clouds, you can still hear the lonely mourning of the bride, the maniacal laughter of the Phantom, and the faint tinkle of glass and laughter of party guests.

27- There’s the tinkle of the waterfall into the pond, the smell of lavender, the coloured flashes of butterflies and bees, and only the incessant itching of mosquito bites to ruin the mood.

28- Whether it be the tinkle of a lone sheep bell o’er some quiet landscape, or the glimmer of beauty in sylvan places, or the show of soul in some passing eye, the heart knows and makes answer, following.

29- It would be so very cozy, you and I, all round and rosy, Looking like two loving snowballs in our fuzzy Arctic furs, Tucked in warm and snug together, whisking through the winter weather Where the tinkle of the sleigh-bells is the only sound that stirs.

30- He says he experienced a tremendous thrill when he heard the tinkle of money and saw a glittering stream of silver coins clattering down the chute.

31- A faint tinkle of metal told me that Shep was lurking there in his kennel and I slowed my steps; I wasn’t going to be caught again.

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tinkeredtinkerertinkererstinkeringtinkerstinklehave a tinkletinkle oftinkledtinklestinklingtinnedtinniertinniesttinniness

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