tinkers in a sentence

Use ‘tinkers’ in a sentence | ‘tinkers’ example sentences

1- He still tinkers in his blacksmith shop .

2- tinkers always shifted away if you held their gaze.

3- And and the tinkers that came there.

4- I think Columbia tinkers with their current lines a bit much.

5- That’s the same road as the tinkers stopped on.

6- Gingham dress £25 approx, tinkers .

7- Prandelli tinkers way to much and over analyzes things.

8- Meanwhile, Spock tinkers more with the tricorder interface.

9- From left: Cotton T-shirt from £12, tinkers .

10- He suddenly remembered her carefully veiled amusement when he had mentioned the tinkers .

11- His novel, tinkers , is forthcoming from Bellevue Literary Press.

12- When did you first encounter tinkers ?

13- Then again , one tinkers with such potent nostalgia at one’s peril.

14- Can you remember any other places round about here that the tinkers camped?

15- What would you, did you have a word for the tinkers ?

16- Also known as tinkers To Evers To Chance Derby .

17- But the indecency is borrowed – at heart they’re workers, tinkers .

18- Did the crofting people have any special name for the the tinkers ?

19- Tanners and tinkers and smithes and so on.

20- Even the tinkers camped nearby were packing up their few belongings and preparing to leave.

21- A bus driver I spoke to in told me that the tinkers stayed down from .

22- He still tinkers with cars, and has taken up a broad range of electronics interests.

23- It was a street full of tinkers but today it is full with cafes and restaurants.

24- They sneak into Gruzzlebeard’s house, finding the beam which Jordi tinkers with.

25- Meanwhile , the 11th Doctor tinkers with the TARDIS in Doctor Who Vol.

26- They decided to start their own toy company which they named “The Toy tinkers “.

27- The film opens with MacGregor clansmen retrieving stolen cattle from robbers they call ” tinkers “.

28- While he rarely tinkers with that formula, he is known to take risks while casting.

29- Did you see that evening about the others what, the so- called tinkers .

30- Largely retired now Nicolson still tinkers around in his studio periodically on projects that interest him.

31- Were there NOT any Tanners, Miners, Vintners, Traveling tinkers ?

32- The key indicator that he is Tinkerer is when he stated that he merely ” tinkers “.

33- He reluctantly takes charge of an “army” of Quadlings, tinkers , and Munchkins.

34- When RBI tinkers with interest rates, not all banks pass on the benefits to the customers.

35- Yes the tinkers used to come up from Blair Gowrie to to do that long ago.

36- Above, from left: Gingham shorts £18 approx, white vest £10 approx, tinkers .

37- Despite her efforts Ma is helpless as Bonkers tinkers with her engine until she is unable to move.

38- Others are tinged with dark humor , as he tinkers with an iPod for the first time.

39- The tinkers had gone. The Midsummer recording is at a faster tempo than on Keepers of the Flame and the Wicked tinkers add their bagpipe-and-drums sound to the song.

40- ‘tinkers‘: Synge and the Cultural History of the Irish Traveller.

41- 1830s – 1890s – Industries spring up along tinkers Creek, using the fast-flowing water as a source of power to operate numerous mills.

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Related Words:
tinkertinker withtinker around withtinkeredtinkerertinkererstinkeringtinkerstinklehave a tinkletinkle oftinkledtinklestinklingtinned

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