thrummed in a sentence

Use ‘thrummed’ in a sentence | ‘thrummed’ example sentences

1- A sound thrummed in the night air.

2- Her stories thrummed in my heart for days.

3- Mary’s heart thrummed when his fingers slid down her neck.

4- Life thrummed at a higher pitch.

5- Its now or never , thrummed her jukebox memory, unbidden.

6- Harlequin’s veins of revenue thrummed .

7- Dexter thrummed his fingers on the steering-wheel as one clot of traffic thickened into another.

8- Inside the confines of the car the atmosphere pulsed to the same demented rhythm that thrummed in her veins.

9- The roar of the patrol boat’s huge petrol engines thrummed in his ears and he glanced back over his shoulder.

10- The wide drive-belt thrummed on its smooth wheels, with a ‘flak’ as the stapled joint passed over metal.

11- The singers’ eyes were shut, their faces red, the muscles and blood vessels standing stark and stiff in their necks from the effort as they thrummed the ancient music of their ancestors.

12- He thrummed on the table as if it had been a musical instrument, and squalled in imitation of her manner of singing.

13- The air quivered and thrummed and shook, the horses shuddered to the vibration, and their manes rose erect, bristling and undulating to the contractions of their twitching hides.

14- The crowd thrummed with excitement as Finch, the 6′ 1″ Team USA softball ace, took the pitcher’s mound and curled her fingers around the ball.

15- An electric fan heater thrummed away on the floor next to the table while the two bars of the electric fire in the hearth burned like red-hot pokers.

16- She could see them standing on the ridge of hill that rose up behind Tara’s eastern boundaries, sending out the strong magic of the Samhailt to their creatures, so that the woods and the streams and the hillsides thrummed and quivered with the Mindsong.

17- While he that bore the sitar thrummed and twanged

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