thrown in a sentence

Use ‘thrown’ in a sentence | ‘thrown’ example sentences

1- They are often simply thrown away afterwards.

2- Over 8 billion were thrown away afterwards .

3- We began seeing laughable statistics being thrown around .

4- Moody was thrown backward onto the office floor.

5- Many sacks of coal were simply thrown overboard.

6- The guaranteed income bond market was thrown into confusion.

7- Carter was thrown clear and escaped serious injury.

8- Molotov cocktails were being thrown in through windows.

9- The opposition leaders were thrown into prisons.

10- The boundaries of party are thrown down.

11- Make sure that nothing important gets thrown away.

12- A lot of very silly mud is being thrown around here.

13- Old and worn manuscripts were thrown away.

14- One large stone residence had the entire front thrown down.

15- The challenge was thrown down about five years ago.

16- Nothing is wasted and nothing is thrown away!

17- The brother is thrown off his horse & dies.

18- The windows were smashed and rocket fireworks thrown inside.

19- Johnson had thrown 225 passes without being intercepted this season.

20- They were thrown back suffering nearly sixty percent casualties.

21- A flip thrown directly towards the shoulder.

22- A hand grenade is delivered by being thrown .

23- Recently money has been thrown at physical infrastructure.

24- Materials are being reused instead of being thrown away.

25- Those who avoided being thrown were celebrating.

26- Both men were either thrown clear or jumped.

27- His body had been thrown against the walls.

28- The pass never should have been thrown .

29- The world has been thrown into chaos .

30- It is unclear how many were thrown .

31- If the “creative” is thrown certain revisions.

32- The brothers were thrown into three separate camps.

33- The spotlight is thrown on significant portions.

34- The sucker punch is any technique thrown without warning.

35- Better still, very little had ever been thrown away.

36- Windows were thrown open, heads appeared.

37- The emperor was thus thrown into a hard dilemma.

38- We both got thrown into the same chat room.

39- All diverse nations are thrown into a confused heap. Disposable diapers contain absorbent chemicals and are thrown away after use.

40- I was thrown off guard.

41- He was thrown out of work.

42- He got thrown out of the house.

43- I was thrown out of the house bag and baggage.

44- I am still clumsy catching batons thrown high up.

45- Chance has thrown us together at a skiing resort.

46- The dog bounded across the field after the ball that was thrown.

47- Beverly was stung by the insults thrown at her by her classmates.

48- This newest empirical work has thrown doubt upon previous findings.

49- Since Alfredo was thrown by a horse, he hasn’t dared go riding again.

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