thrower in a sentence

Use ‘thrower’ in a sentence | ‘thrower’ example sentences

1- The provisional flame thrower platoons were highly successful in each action.

2- Designated throwers are called handlers and designated receivers are called cutters.

3- In such situations a single flame thrower was useless.

4- Other weapons included machine guns and flame throwers .

5- Flame throwers proved invaluable against these defenses.

6- Flame throwers shoot streams of burning fuel.

7- Two more 20mm and two depth charge throwers were added.

8- Two racks and throwers for depth charges were carried aft.

9- Tanks and armored flame throwers worked against the southeastern slope.

10- Each carried a limited number of flame throwers .

11- No save is allowed for a bolt thrower .

12- The thrower throws from the “hack”.

13- Fifty-nine flame throwers sprayed 236 gallons of fuel against enemy positions.

14- The thrower would then challenge another player.

15- If both crew are slain the bolt thrower cannot shoot.

16- Professional hammer throwers as historically large, strong, sturdy athletes.

17- The geography of here does not favour the stone thrower .

18- The infantry’s confidence in the flame thrower was shattered.

19- The flame thrower offered a possible solution to the problem.

20- The Germans deployed tanks, tear gas and flame throwers .

21- Before the ball is released by the thrower .

22- Before the ball is bounced to the thrower .

23- Before the ball is handed to the thrower .

24- A left hand thrower is rarer than a right hand thrower.

25- A left hand thrower is rarer than a right hand thrower .

26- If you are a thrower …throw!

27- He’s not a great physical thrower .

28- In response, security forces detained some of the rock throwers .

29- This is mostly associated with knife throwers and bullwhip artists.

30- The next minute the grenade thrower appeared with his hands up.

31- If a ball is caught, the thrower is out.

32- Tanks and flame throwers followed and the battle was on.

33- Fortunately, Dr. Wang had a flame thrower lying around.

34- Despite its shortcomings the flame thrower had made a fairly auspicious beginning.

35- It is compatible with ball throwers for hours of fetching fun!

36- A defender attempting to block or obstruct the thrower is encroaching.

37- He wields small flame throwers underneath the sleeves of his coat.

38- Align bolt thrower on target and declare single or multiple shot.

39- Dani says the thrower should be publicly shamed .

40- What is the difference between left hand thrower and right hand thrower? When it comes to Northwest food, Faber is an evangelist and a bomb-thrower.

41- Can QB Darian Durant stay healthy enough to rely on, or do you sign another experienced thrower?

42- In 1987, IAAF nominated him as the all-time greatest javelin thrower in the world.

43- Rue Meridian is an expert knife thrower and continues to distrust Grianne, not forgetting her crimes as the Ilse Witch.

44- While he had been “a great thrower in college,” Blott broke his shoulder blade in football and was still suffering from the injury when he reported to the Reds.

45- The phrase is also used by Hudson in the Aliens movie when a flame thrower dropped by Drake sets light to the inside of the RPC after it has crashed into the Aliens lair.

46- Denny was a rarity: a left-handed thrower who played a position traditionally reserved for right-handers.

47- Nagy took the first set but then the Dagenham thrower took the next 3 sets to advance.

48- Dr. Heller is a scientist who designs weapons such as the “blame thrower” and the “shrinker”.

49- ” Personal life Jett has been referred to as a “bomb thrower” for his “take no crap” blogging style.

50- Brief profile Shollenberger was a fine base runner, clever, coaxing batter, and skillful third sacker and hard thrower.

More Sentences: 12
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