throne in a sentence 3

Use ‘throne’ in a sentence | ‘throne’ example sentences

95- They physically forced Emperor Penzi back onto the throne and put the imperial seal back onto him.

96- Crownlands The lands surrounding King’s Landing are ruled directly by the crown on the Iron throne.

97- Fa Ngum’s eldest son, Oun Heuan, (took the title Samsenthai ) came to the throne and reigned for 43 years.

98- He was declared successor to the first emperor of the Liao Empire in 916, but never succeeded to the throne.

99- In summer 555, Xiao Yuanming arrived at Jiankang to take the throne, and he created Xiao Fangzhi crown prince.

100- He was an early convert to Protestant views, which brought him into prominence when Edward VI came to the throne.

101- He only assumed power and was formally recognized in 1735 when his cousin Nasar ud-Din left claims to the throne.

102- Louis XIV, now of age to claim his throne, re-entered Paris in October 1652 and recalled Mazarin in February 1653.

103- King of Armenia Leo was elected to the throne on the death of his distant cousin Constantine VI of Armenia in 1373.

104- The hip-hop kings, collectively known as The throne, opened the most anticipated hip-hop tour of the year with a bang.

105- Władysław shortly after moved to Germany and paid tribute to King Conrad and asked for assistance in regaining the throne.

106- Did he always want the throne, or did Henry VI’s poor government and the hostility of Henry’s favourites leave him no choice?

107- A Sufi master Khoja Āfāq defeated Saidiye kingdom and took the throne at Kashgar with the help of the Oirat (Dzungar) Mongols.

108- Pages attend to and assist with the proceedings of notable events such as Royal Assent, Speech from the throne, and State Visits.

109- When Yuan Ye arrived in Luoyang, Erzhu Shilong forced him to yield the throne to Yuan Gong, who took the throne as Emperor Jiemin.

110- The campaign was considered a last throw of the dice for the Jacobites to have any realistic hope of reclaiming the British throne.

111- Princess Alexandra is urged by her mother to accept Albert so that their family may regain a throne that was taken from them by Napoleon.

112- She supposedly adopted the Italian Rosario Poidimani and, through this, she transfered her claimed rights to the Portuguese throne to him.

113- One cryptic scene in which Grendel sits in the abandoned hall unable to approach the throne hints that his motives may be greed or revenge.

114- When Emperor Wu died in 559 with Chen Chang still under Northern Zhou control and unable to return, Chen Qian took the throne as Emperor Wen.

115- Zizhi Tongjian, vol. 275. During Emperor Mingzong’s reign After Emperor Mingzong took the throne, he confirmed Ma Yin’s title of Shangshu Ling.

116- Ahmadyár Khán remained in the king’s camp, while Atur Khán was sent back with an army commanded by Atáí Khân to reinstate him on the throne of Sind.

117- Jogaila’s brother Švitrigaila joined the war on the side of the Teutonic Knights as he had laid claim to the throne of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

118- In 1928, Ingrid met the Prince of Wales and was seen by some as a possible wife for the heir-apparent to the British throne, who was her second cousin.

119- Deimos was a high priest of the kingdom of Thera who used knowledge hidden in the legendary Scrolls of Blood to ascend to the throne of that city-state.

120- Johann’s older brother became King Frederick Augustus II in 1836; now he was the first in line of succession to the throne as Crown Prince (de: Kronprinz).

121- Chancellor Xun Xi then placed Zhuozi (卓子), the youngest son of Duke Xian of Jin on the throne of Jin, even though Zhuozi was still a toddler at that time.

122- During Emperor Fei’s reign Similarly, because Emperor Fei was also already an adult at the time he ascended the throne, Empress Dowager Chu did not serve as regent.

123- Accession of Nicholas to the throne and the aftermath of Decembrist revolt accelerated Chernyshyov’s career, who joined the close circle of tsar’s most trusted officers.

124- Hawkling Lugine Yen, A Survey of Constitutional Development in China, The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. (2005), p116″ P’u Ch’un, age 14, was announced as heir apparent to the throne.

125- The former renounced the throne of Poland in favor of Stanislaus Leszczynski ‘s treaty which Augustus declared null and void after Charles XII ‘s defeat at Poltava (July 8, 1709).

126- Edward’s position when he came to the throne was weak.

127- Qaboos maintains that his father abdicated the throne.

128- John VI was forced to resign the throne on 4 December 1354.

129- The lion is also peeping from behind the throne, on the left.

130- Meurig took over the Gwent throne upon his father’s abdication.

131- Old seals are destroyed whenever a new monarch takes the throne.

132- Emperor Xuanzong, for the time being, did not abdicate the throne.

133- The name remained when William and Mary came to the throne in 1689.

134- Jehoram took the throne at the age of 32 and reigned for eight years.

135- In 578 Emperor Wu died, and Yuwen Yun took the throne as Emperor Xuan.

136- Chip and Alex run off, angry after seeing their uncle take the throne.

137- He did so, restoring Henry VI briefly to the throne on 3 October 1470.

138- Davis, pg. 116-118 The throne was richly decorated during the ceremonies.

139- Mary Salome is seated on a cushioned throne, turning her body to the left.

140- Monaco, for instance recognizes these children as eligible for the throne.

141- Dimwold the Mephit appeared in the module The throne of Bloodstone (1988).

142- When Sanghár reached the age of maturity, he replaced his sister on the throne.

More Sentences: 1234
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