throng in a sentence

Use ‘throng’ in a sentence | ‘throng’ example sentences

1- People thronged polling stations, forming huge lines.

2- The feat was performed repeatedly before a throng of stunned journalists.

3- From every direction crowds were thronging to the famous council.

4- How many painful reflections must have thronged upon him.

5- Lesser lords and bodyguards thronged two reviewing stands.

6- My meetings soon became thronged with that class.

7- Visitors throng his house almost every day.

8- The absence of a throng is incidental.

9- throngs crowded to behold the wonderful object.

10- A throng of local reporters looked on.

11- I am not opposed to throng having more voices.

12- How can the environment support the thronging billions today?

13- The throng overturned the car and grabbed him again.

14- There was a festival feel to the watching throngs .

15- It was an edging, shifting, pushing throng .

16- A throng of people are shown for scale.

17- Visitors throng in large numbers to watch this.

18- People throng to offer prayers to their deities.

19- Join the throng not typing, speaking.

20- Bangkok is an amazing throng of people.

21- Poems were thronging thick about them; they were living intensely.

22- The event attracted a throng of Koreans and inbound international visitors.

23- The angry throng became animated at the sight of the car.

24- The streets are quite narrow, and thronged with people.

25- More than 100 000 people can throng this vast plaza.

26- In 1974 Ladakh was thronged open for foreign tourists.

27- throngs of civilians had begun to move south across the entire front.

28- throngs of people lined the street for mile.

29- They are lurkers that escape detection by joining the passing throng .

30- Mad throngs tear out of the Garden .

31- The foreshores were also thronged with spectators”.

32- There were definitely throngs of tourist tbis June.

33- Porters thronged the stairs and galleries carrying packages and bags.

34- The airport was surrounded by a huge throng of welcomers.

35- We in the death throngs of tradition, I thought.

36- Corbett looked back at the tavern doorway now thronged with onlookers.

37- So I stand up, and head towards the throng .

38- People throng the street almost all day, every day.

39- No one can fight thus, thirsty in the throng .

40- At St Paul’s a great throng crammed the platform. This is also because most of the people who die in such incidents are the abjectly poor and destitute who throng to the temples in a vain hope of being ‘liberated’ from the miserable life.

41- The throng protested against abortion.

42- I nodded, and she guided my potential companion from the cage and through the throng.

43- Nancy purposefully plunged into the throng, leaving Charlie to search for her along the route.

44- Whenever (planet) Saturn transits from one zodiac sign to another (an occurrence roughly every 2.5 years), millions throng this shrine for worship.

45- Yuki squeezes through the throng to get to the fracas, and she convinces Zero to let go of Sara.

46- The farmer joined the throng and made a petition: telling the king to remember that the tiger lived in the forest while the jackals hunted anywhere food could be found.

47- Aadi amavasai (No Moon Day in the month of Aadi ) is when devotees from all over Tamil Nadu throng here.

48- Hundreds of ‘Sankatwalas’, as the possessed people are referred to in local lingo, throng to the temple everyday to offer prayers and have ‘darshan’.

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