thriftless in a sentence

Use ‘thriftless’ in a sentence | ‘thriftless’ example sentences

1- The Burman is a generous, often thriftless fellow; to him money is not the chief value in life.

2- The alternative was not delinquent youth, but the ordinary boy whose vices and virtues resembled those of his parents: on the one hand, cheerful, plucky, generous; on the other, unstable, careless, superficial, noisy, thriftless , and so on.

3- Somehow the country has managed to consume more energy per capita than anywhere else other than rich (and notoriously thriftless ) Canada and the United States and at the same time plunge into a state close to bankruptcy.

4- It will be remembered too that the thriftless ne’er-do-well of “A Rake’s Progress” inherited his money from a miserly father.

5- Charles Booth included a category labelled ‘Drunken or thriftless wife’, quite separate from the general category of ‘Drink’, in his list of nine causes of poverty.

6- At present the thrifty working man could be refused the benefit of the OAP Act, while the thriftless could receive it…

7- Entering, we found that our thriftless seniors had left the sound red heart of a fire, easily coaxed into a cheerful blaze; and biscuits — a plateful — smiled at us in an encouraging sort of way, together with the halves of a lemon,

8- all of a sudden every villain in this country is now a saint and thriftless people like yourself will come here with your silly emotional outbursts .

9- ‘ ” By the West Coast, Dana has got his legs and is starting to look around: The Californians are an idle, thriftless people, and can make nothing for themselves. It is not wise, nor in the long run is it kind, to tax the thrifty for the thriftless.

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