thriftier in a sentence

Use ‘thriftier’ in a sentence | ‘thriftier’ example sentences

1- Switch to a thriftier service plan for your phone.

2- Many inhabitants chose this thriftier alternative.

3- To be sure, there are odd moments on the journey to a thriftier lifestyle.

4- With the advent of speedier and thriftier production methods, steel has become easier to obtain and much cheaper.

5- It ‘s harder to quantify how much of that came from lenders’ cutbacks and how much came from thriftier consumers.

6- Carol Pepper, the head of Pepper International, says is one way to benefit via a thriftier consumer.

7- With a rich dish like this one, you often eat less than you otherwise would, making it a thriftier choice than you might think.

8- The company says its thriftier diesel and the diesel hybrid would be too expensive and the market for it too uncertain here to take the risk of certifying it for sale.

9- Although initially happy, the marriage quickly deteriorated as a result of differing opinions over social activities and money; Julia was a sociable and extravagant person, whilst Little Tich preferred a quieter and thriftier lifestyle.

10- The 287-hp V-6 is strong enough and thriftier , asking for just regular fuel rather than the EcoBoost with its premium fuel demands.

11- The auto industry’s drive to offer more fuel efficient vehicles hit a pothole today, with news that thriftier four-cylinder engines and their transmissions have led to a decline in overall dependability.

12- Now you might ask why a penny-pinching company with an engineering pedigree would expend precious resources on turning a fuel-efficient Honda Accord into an even thriftier and cleaner hybrid.

13- Down the street , though, a House filled with thriftier folk had a budget to pass, or the countryd go broke.

14- In addition to reducing federal spending , such a plan, in theory, would force seniors to be thriftier with the money they spend on both insurance and care, making the whole program more cost effective.

15- ” as his introductory social salvo, to the terror of thriftier executives.

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