thigh in a sentence 2

Use ‘thigh’ in a sentence | ‘thigh’ example sentences

51- When Aldridge had some tightness in thigh during camp, Popovich insisted he take the day off.

52- The drug had only ever been given to her as a shot to her thigh or stomach, as with an EpiPen.

53- 433778I would even try to stand differently to hide my thigh gap and how skinny my legs were.

54- 767330The player’s wife told police she had thigh, neck and wrist injuries, according to KHNL.

55- All injuries were minor, except one person whose thigh was impaled by debris from the collapse.

56- They were both laughing now, and Dr. Sandy was slapping her own thigh and Lauren’s alternately.

57- Lee said he received dexamethasone during stem cell treatment for a thigh injury in July last year.

58- “Regardless of what society tells you these days… You don’t have to have a thigh gap to be beautiful.

59- Gina Calabrese Saundra Santiago’s character prepares for undercover work, strapping on a thigh holster.

60- Newspaper vendors in the streets reported that the water came very fast, flooding the area within five minutes to thigh -deep level.

61- Some individuals will have an orange posterior thigh.

62- “‘Put Your Hand Under My thigh’-The Patriarchal Oath.

63- The forearm itself should remain resting on the thigh.

64- Barney himself was badly wounded with a musket ball in the thigh.

65- Subedar Joginder Singh, despite a thigh wound, refused evacuation.

66- There is a “Y” on her thigh and her faceless head is turned toward the horn.

67- Givrì, badly wounded in a thigh during this second assault, ordered his men to withdraw.

68- In November 1944, he was wounded in the thigh and flew subsequent missions with his leg in a plaster cast.

69- In rage Bhima vows in front of the entire assembly that “one day he will break that very thigh of Duryodhan in battle”.

70- When she succeeds in flustering him by running her hand up his thigh, Peter unexpectedly leaves saying his sponsor needs him at a meeting.

71- He also severely burns his broken arm, as well as his upper thigh, when a piece of exploding tank hits him, covering the areas with burning oil.

72- Performances Baton Bob usually marches solo in a tutu, though he also wears thigh-revealing miniskirts, leotards, and occasionally a wedding dress.

73- However, Mike Nugent sprained his thigh on the following kickoff, and when he attempted and missed a 32-yard field goal attempt, Nugent was brought out of the game.

74- King Zheng drew out his sword and cut Jing Ke’s thigh.

75- Hogg returned to full training after recovering from illness and a thigh injury.

76- This slowed a bit the opposition fighters who were at times advancing in thigh-deep water.

77- The legs are green, bronze, or a combination of both, and the inside thigh and groin are blue-green.

78- Haidate (thigh guards) and kote ( sleeves) could also be partially or completely armoured with kikko.

79- In a split thickness skin graft, a shaver is used to shave a layer of skin from the abdomen or thigh.

80- Their gunfire wounded Bettesworth in the thigh, causing substantial loss of blood, and broke the coxswain’s arm.

81- All holding swords, and most expert in war: every man’s sword upon his thigh, because of fears in the night (Song of Songs 3.7).

82- Johnson was wounded by a ball that was to remain in his hip or thigh for the rest of his life.

83- Oyama also taught roundhouse kicks to the thigh and ribs, using the shin as the point of contact.

84- ” * Sir James Syme – A new method of ankle amputation that did not involve amputating at the thigh.

85- Ailill’s foster-son Lugaid mac Con was wounded in the thigh in the battle, and was exiled from Ireland.

86- In 1990 a special was used with a blue shirt with a yellow sash that ran from left shoulder to the right thigh.

87- Rubens gave Mercury an impression untruthfulness by illustrating his figure hiding a caduceus behind his thigh.

88- Oxygen is fed through a connector at the wearer’s left thigh and is transmitted to the helmet, via a special connector at the base of the neckring.

89- Enraged, Brownlow accosted Haynes in the streets of Jonesborough, and began beating him with a cane, prompting Haynes to draw a pistol and shoot Brownlow in the thigh.

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