thighbone in a sentence

Use ‘thighbone’ in a sentence | ‘thighbone’ example sentences

1- The thighbone is straight in front view.

2- The lower leg was somewhat shorter than the thighbone .

3- Have you seen that thing called thighbone ?

4- The robust shinbone is shorter than the thighbone .

5- Among them was a left thighbone , specimen GSM 109560.

6- The difference was also seen in the lower thighbone and upper shinbone .

7- And Clarry’s waving a thighbone in the air.

8- The condyles of the lower thighbone are short from the front to the rear.

9- The tomb contained a single male skeleton, which lacked a skull and its thighbones .

10- Van Gogh’s mother, Anna van Gogh, was healing from a broken thighbone .

11- The thighbone is short and broad, with often a narrow waist and an expanded lower end.

12- The thighbone was straight in side view, in front view it was somewhat bowed to the outside.

13- The hip : In some cases the femoral anteversion has an inward twist at the upper thighbone .

14- At the lower end of the thighbone a distinct front, extensor, groove separates the condyles.

15- The legs should lie parallel and the knee joint should lie in a straight line with the thighbone .

16- Ackles’s left arm was nearly severed and his left thighbone “virtually pushed out through his back.

17- They usually occur in the bone in the upper arm or in the upper part of the thighbone .

18- Lewis breaks his thighbone .

19- Gregory S. Paul in 1988 estimated the weight tentatively at 1.1 tonnes, given a thighbone seventy-six centimetres long.

20- The angle that the lower thighbones make with the femur in a natural stance is not a right angle.

21- When the material described in 1985 is added, the main missing elements are the shoulder girdle and the thighbone .

22- The thighbone is short, robust and straight with a low fourth trochanter positioned below the midpoint of the shaft.

23- The calcium to phosphorous ratio of each cat’s femur ( thighbone ) is shown, and all are abnormal.

24- Afsan is described as being thin for a Quintaglio; ironically, the name Afsan means “Meaty thighbone “.

25- Dubois discovered the remains of Java Man in 1891, consisting of a skullcap, thighbone , and a few teeth.

26- The thighbone measures 103 cm long in “P. walkeri” and is robust for its length when compared to other hadrosaurids.

27- Derived traits include a sacral yoke, a long prepubic process, a long thighbone and two rows of plates or spikes.

28- It was originally described by Robert Plot as a thighbone of a Roman war elephant, and then as a biblical giant.

29- When late in 1972 Richard Leakey announced he had dug up the skull, thighbone , and parts of the lower leg of a human that were more than 2 1⁄2 million years old, thus, if correct, disproving man’s direct descent from Australopithecus, many anthropologists seated in leather armchairs in universities not immediately adjacent to East Africa swiftly challenged Leakey’s conclusions, this despite the fact that they had not examined the bones in question, the strata in and near which they had been found, the animal bones found in the same strata, or indeed anything.

30- This was an especial worry in Ireland, where the peasantry left the mounds alone as the tombs of former kings and queens; if enthusiastic archaeologists took control, in no time they would be sacrilegiously interfering and flourishing the thighbone of some ancient Irish king.

31- Today at 3:30 p.m. PDT, KJ will be undergoing a surgical procedure intended to stabilize her fractured thighbone where the tumor has weakened it.

32- The knee joins the lower end of the thighbone (femur), the shinbone (tibia) and the kneecap (patella).

33- Specifically, a shell or cup replaces the socket, a stem is inserted into the thighbone and a femoral head or ball at the top of the stem is fitted inside the curved artificial socket where the ball can slide around, allowing for movement.

34- Hip joints consist of bone in the shape of a ball at the top of the thighbone (femur) that fits into a rounded socket in the pelvis (acetabulum).

35- Botto destroyed a “Rata” over Mediana and dispersed the others, before being hit at his right thighbone by an explosive bullet.

36- For example, the marrow–from my broken thighbones –literally floated in my blood stream and ate holes into my lungs.

37- The traditional manner of making reeds is to hammer a small coin on a wooden anvil until it is paper thin and cut it to size on a cutting board made from an elephant thighbone .

38- During a total knee replacement, the orthopedic surgeon removes the damaged bone and cartilage from your thighbone , shinbone and kneecap and replaces it with an artificial joint that is made up of highgrade plastics, metal alloys, and polymers.

39- In 1973, Donald Johanson found two fragments of fossilized bone, the proximal or near end of a tibia and the distal or far end of a femur, otherwise known as a shinbone and thighbone , which together form the knee.

40- Various aspects of “bone geometry,” such as tallness, hip structure, and thighbone (femur) length, can also affect your chances of breaking a bone if you fall. Scientists tell us that the human thighbone is as strong as concrete.

41- This was Bull Snake, whose thighbone had been shattered when he exposed himself on a bravery run.

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