thesis in a sentence 3

Use ‘thesis’ in a sentence | ‘thesis’ example sentences

101- He was awarded a PhD in 1972 for a thesis on aesthetics, also from Cambridge.

102- A thesis submitted to Sant Gadgebaba Amravati University, Maharashtra (India).

103- Taine was the subject of Stefan Zweig ‘s doctoral thesis, “The Philosophy of Hippolyte Taine.

104- Professor Cane, however has kept Atiyah’s Accidents in line with the title’s original thesis.

105- The Lancia Dialogos concept car was transformed into the 2002 Lancia thesis production sedan.

106- Soykan received his PhD in 1982 with his thesis entitled as “Forms of Being and Art in Schelling.

107- thesis defense ceremony can be held either at VNU or at the overseas co-supervisor’s institution.

108- A full published description is still lacking, though an unpublished thesis on Orodromeus exists.

109- He published many essays and thesis on the magazine to introduce his ideas in education reforming.

110- In 1965 he defended his thesis on the phonetic and morphological features of the Udi “Nij” dialect.

111- New Delhi: Intercultural Publications (Doctoral thesis on Ricouer, modified and published as book).

112- Gaia, the thesis, the Mechanisms and the Implications, edited by Peter Bunyard and Edward Goldsmith.

113- Donald Tusk wrote his thesis about formation of the legend of Józef Piłsudski in the interwar press.

114- Hannes Griebel, who is also a member of the MSD Board and prepares his doctorate thesis on ARCHIMEDES.

115- Rousmaniere’s writings about New York City include a history of settlement houses (his Columbia M.A. thesis).

116- Tschudi-Madsen graduated in 1950 from the University of Oslo with a thesis in art history on romantic architecture.

117- ” Emory sent Company E to reinforce and make a clean sweep of the area (From Army annual report quoted in Justiss’ thesis).

118- Libby, S.C., 1971, Petrology of basic igneous rocks of Putnam county, Georgia, M.S. thesis University of Georgia (unpublished).

119- D. from Johns Hopkins University for a thesis on the Austrian author Hugo von Hofmannsthal and his relations with his publisher.

120- Beard’s main thesis was that the U.S. Constitution was an economic document created by men who were economically motivated (Voigt 1997).

121- In 1988 Parvanov defended his doctoral thesis in history, which is titled ” Dimitar Blagoev and the Bulgarian national question 1879-1917″.

122- Globally Laurens also considers that the ‘intentionalism’ thesis is untenable in the global context of the events and lacks historical methodology.

123- In 2002 he received a doctorate in literature from Bucharest University for his thesis on Transitivity in Modernist and Post-Modernist Romanian Poetry.

124- Jackson argues that we must understand education as a socialization process; Snyder elaborates upon this thesis with studies of particular institutions.

125- Innis’s thesis, eventually published as a book in 1923, can be seen as an early attempt to document the railway’s significance from an economic historian’s point of view.

126- George Gordon Crawford: Man of the New South (thesis).

127- In 1973, he defended his thesis and got his PhD in 1989.

128- The final year is devoted to a thesis in the Major subject.

129- LBS and MIT Sloan optionally offer a major research project/thesis.

130- The specific link to the cited thesis is: Prescott, Joshua (June 2009).

131- ‘ M.A. thesis: School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London.

132- Awards and honors Perez’s doctoral thesis won the Saintour prize that year.

133- Fodor uses the persistence of perceptual illusions to illustrate his thesis.

134- ” (p. 7, followed by a list of the basic reasons why the conflict thesis is wrong).

135- Mary L. Anglin Mary L Anglin, Her thesis on Internet Performance http://marylanglin.

136- In Mexico (1902) was an important action to defend the thesis of binding arbitration.

137- By early 1999, Atta had completed his thesis, and formally defended it in August 1999.

138- Marell graduated in Business Administration 1991, and finished her doctoral thesis in 1998.

139- Gran delivered a thesis which was considered inferior, but he was deemed the better lecturer.

140- D. in 1931 with a thesis entitled Invariant functions of Conservative Surface Transformations.

141- D. degree is broad-based and involves a minimum course credit requirement and research thesis.

142- Dunning’s thesis is that modern Russia begins in 1613 with the founding of the Romanov dynasty.

143- Honours and Master’s by coursework thesis also require an oral defence before they are accepted.

144- Nicola Festa published a massive edition in 1926 and also a thesis Saggio sull’ Africa del Petrarca.

145- His MFA thesis, Helicopter, an urban drama, won seven festival awards including a CINE Golden Eagle.

146- Heckenberger: Nichols algebras of diagonal type and arithmetic root systems, Habilitation thesis 2005.

147- Gori received a law degree in 1889 with a thesis called La miseria e il delitto (“Poverty and Crime “).

148- In 1939 he obtained DPhil degree in mathematics for his thesis titled On the Origin of the Solar System.

149- She defended her PhD thesis in 2009, being its subject on Peruvian orchestral music between 1945 and 2005.

150- Köpcke published her thesis, Ecological study of a bat colony in the tropical rain forest of Peru, in 1987.

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