thesis in a sentence 2

Use ‘thesis’ in a sentence | ‘thesis’ example sentences

51- He wrote his doctoral thesis on contemporary French literature.

52- Her thesis has provoked a great deal of discussion in the field.

53- I figure that it will take me three more months to finish my thesis.

54- I am writing a thesis about international disputes after World War II.

55- I estimate that it will take me three more months to finish my thesis.

56- His thesis doesn’t make sense.

57- To begin with, its theme is obscure.

58- He did an analysis of the way children learn language for his Master’s thesis.

59- His doctoral thesis must be submitted to the professor by the end of the month.

60- Her prof sent back her thesis with a few pages of recommendations for improvements.

61- He did his doctoral thesis on the marriage customs of slaves living in ancient Rome.

62- Our governor is a proponent of the thesis that cutting taxes will stimulate business.

63- Your thesis has a number of very serious and demonstrable errors that need to be addressed.

64- A Yiddish proverb remarks, “God could not be everywhere and therefore He made mothers.

65- ” thesisCam has been working on his thesis for over a year and a half and he still has lots of work to do.

66- The thesis of this paper is that vocabulary is the most important factor in second language learning.

67- In order to get a Master’s degree in Linguistics at this university, every candidate must write a thesis.

68- The historical thesis can be summarized by saying that Darwinism has undergone three stages of evolution.

69- The thesis was dismissed after experiments failed to reproduce the original results claimed by the author of the study.

70- Frank Dobie once stated that the average Ph.

71- D.

72- thesis is nothing but a transference of bones from one graveyard to another.

73- Grad students may have difficulty with time management due to the lack of structure in a grad program, especially when their course work is done and they are working on their thesis.

74- The Rev. Duncan Newcomer wrote his divinity school thesis on Lincoln.

75- Her thesis focused on the natural recovery of the Eastern Timber Wolf in Michigan.

76- It will be part of her undergraduate thesis that she will hand in to complete her degree.

77- My thesis is that GDP growth is in inverse propoertion to your private-debt-to-GDP ratio.

78- With help from a clinical psychologist, an MIT doctoral student built Panoply for his thesis.

79- Mircea Cartarescu studied and completed his doctoral thesis as the Faculty of Letters in Bucharest.

80- Susan Orlean “endorsed Malcolm’s thesis as a necessary evil.

81- thesis for BSc, Department of Information Science, University of Tokyo.

82- The 110-point takes into consideration of both exam scores and the final thesis.

83- This research started with Orsman’s 1951 thesis and continued with his editing this dictionary.

84- In 1939 he did a higher doctorate (promotion) with a thesis about the therapeutic use of music.

85- In 2000, Gurevich axiomatized the notion of sequential algorithms, and proved the ASM thesis for them.

86- Henri Roth wrote a master’s thesis on the chronicle, as well as an article in the Revue du Vieux Genève.

87- Toom first described this algorithm in 1963, and Cook published an improved algorithm in his PhD thesis in 1966.

88- His Princeton University senior thesis was titled “The Steel Seizure Case of 1952 and Its Effects on Presidential Powers.

89- Searching for a subject for her Master’s thesis, she struck on a friend’s account of an affair with a married police officer.

90- She was also awarded a CandMag from the University of Trondheim in 1992 with a thesis on “Television without frontiers, beyond 2000”.

91- Originally planned as director Chazelle’s thesis film for Harvard Film School, he briefly left Harvard to focus on finishing the film.

92- ” While at Queens’ College, White wrote a thesis on Thomas Malory ‘s Le Morte d’Arthur (without reading it), Gallix, Francois, ed (1982).

93- John J. Drozd, Computer Simulation of Granular Matter: A Study of An Industrial Grinding Mill, thesis, Univ. Western Ontario, Canada, 2004.

94- K. Scheibelhoferm, “Signing XML Documents and the Concept of What You See Is What You Sign”, Masters thesis, Graz University of Technology, Austria, 2001.

95- Levinas’s thesis “ethics as first philosophy”, then, means that the traditional philosophical pursuit of knowledge is secondary to a basic ethical duty to the other.

96- Merle Ricklefs translated his thesis in the 1990s.

97- Each thesis Prize winner receives an honorarium of at least $1000.

98- In 1999 she finished her PhD thesis and in 2006 she published her book.

99- Rodham, an honors student at Wellesley, received an A grade on the thesis.

100- Ugolini’s thesis was later politically exploited by the Italian government.

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