theorized in a sentence

Use ‘theorized’ in a sentence | ‘theorized’ example sentences

1- This effect was first theorized in 1958.

2- He theorized that human beings constantly strive for mental consistency.

3- It is theorized that Hansen began killing prostitutes around 1980.

4- Scientists have theorized that diamond alien planets should exist, too.

5- Several explanations for the poor efficiency have been theorized .

6- In 1910, he theorized that nerves control health.

7- It is theorized that Garland wore one primary pair during shooting.

8- Shen theorized that geographical climates gradually shifted over time.

9- This figure is sometimes theorized as depicting the bound Loki.

10- Some scholars theorized that the pots were used to brew beer .

11- One officer theorized the works might be held for ransom .

12- Only when the theorized result is observed is the theory validated .

13- Instructor: Because geologists theorized the date.

14- Odling-Smee theorized that niche construction can cause ecological inheritance.

15- It has been theorized that domestication saved the species.

16- Even if ice reforms it won’t negate the theorized rise.

17- These stars were part of the theorized population III of stars.

18- It is theorized that he died as a child.

19- Few of the theorized steps can be demonstrated experimentally.

20- Some Israeli doctors theorized the girls were playacting.

21- Baumeister theorized that weaker motivations tend to lead to greater plasticity.

22- This family structure has been theorized to have several benefits for children.

23- Once formed, Bowlby theorized that working models remain relatively stable.

24- It has been theorized this may have been Hanjour.

25- The hierarchies described above are theorized to occur primarily in mammalian neocortex.

26- Some theorized the flu originated in the Far East.

27- One is theorized to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.

28- Police initially theorized that the same man was in-fact the murderer.

29- It has been theorized that the Japanese imperial line has Korean ancestry.

30- This carried scientific instrumentation and detected the theorized Van Allen radiation belt.

31- It has been theorized the “thermite material” found was primer paint.

32- Bowlby theorized that children learn from their interactions with caregivers.

33- Still, many RGS scholars have theorized how genres change.

34- Debré theorized its function of strap of the government.

35- They theorized a few possible explanations.

36- Archaeological excavations throughout Scandinavia have uncovered amulets theorized as depicting valkyries.

37- It ‘s not that someone has discovered or theorized about it.

38- Senate and theorized that he would endure with the democrats.

39- It is theorized that spasm of lateral pterygoid causes anterior disc displacement.

40- Rick Marshall theorized that they might even power the dimensional doorways. His companions theorized that he collapsed and died through inhaling poisonous gases emitted from the volcano.

41- The loss of his wife and disappearance of the baby, it is theorized, motivated Swagger to take a third tour of duty, this time as a Sniper, and establishing his legend.

42- This space is theorized to have been the most sacred in the temple.

43- Public fascination with Cliff and Nina’s romance was theorized by the All American Speaker’s Bureau.

44- A volcanic origin is theorized because of the discovery of basalt and rhyodacite outside of the crater basin.

45- Garland/Chaos theorized that in 2000 years the time loop would close and he would cease to exist, which he thought would make him immortal.

46- One group of authors has even theorized that menstruation may have played a key role in the development of symbolic culture in early human society.

47- A Pacific Union has been theorized as the next step of the forum.

48- Many TPV CHP scenarios have been theorized but a generator using boiling coolant was found most cost efficient.

49- As workers managed to improve their own lives, he theorized, they would have less interest in an improved society.

50- The muscular spasms are theorized to aid in the locomotion of sperm up the vaginal walls into the uterus.

More Sentences: 12
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