theorized in a sentence 2

Use ‘theorized’ in a sentence | ‘theorized’ example sentences

51- Moiraine theorized that this was the result of the Old Blood that many in the Two Rivers are said to possess.

52- Ehrlich had theorized that by screening many compounds, a drug could be discovered with antimicrobial activity.

53- These works analyzed, criticized and theorized the German theatre, and make Lessing the father of modern Dramaturgy.

54- theorized by Kash, he is the creator of the Kaizer stones, which is a positive power equivalent of Omni Exist’s negative presence within himself.

55- P. 120 World Of Myths By Felipe Fernández-Armesto It is theorized by the Folklore Society (Great Britain) that Ahriman himself was believed as having white skin.

More Sentences: 12
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