thankless in a sentence

Use ‘thankless’ in a sentence | ‘thankless’ example sentences

1- Being a mayor is a thankless job.

2- It seems an exhausting and thankless task.

3- It is the very definition of a thankless public service.

4- Being a member of the board is thankless task.

5- But testing is hard, boring, and thankless .

6- The mods have probably the most thankless job.

7- By and large it was a thankless task.

8- Its a totally thankless thing to do .

9- In political terms, this is a difficult and thankless task.

10- Official attitudes to his thankless work have always been schizophrenic .

11- Oscar hosting: Is it a thankless task?

12- Thanks for the hard, thankless work.

13- Don’t envy that person; it is a thankless job.

14- I sure you guys think you have a thankless job.

15- To this joyless and thankless duty was Machiavelli called.

16- The whole process is thankless , time consuming, and generally useless.

17- Caregiving can literally seem like a thankless task.

18- It’s the thankless , argumentative son right?

19- Wright-Phillips felt that Fallon had a thankless task at times.

20- Me too: Thanks for your great, thankless work.

21- Parenting is the most thankless & disregarded job in the World.

22- Even the great Morgan Freeman is saddled with a thankless part.

23- That’s sort of thankless , but Redford handles it well.

24- But it ‘s thankless and lonely to defend TRUTH.

25- What riches he offers to undeserving thankless paupers.

26- He said the job is designed to be a thankless , volunteer position.

27- You talk about a thankless task.

28- Organizing is a tough and often thankless job, and women face unique challenges.

29- Saint Fagos – the Patron Saint of thankless tasks.

30- Goal keepers, too, stood their ground while doing such a thankless task.

31- It can be fairly thankless work.

32- Are we so base and thankless ?

33- Sometimes it’s a thankless task.

34- Teaching can be a thankless task.

35- Debugging parallel programs is a thankless task demanding accuracy and use of specialized tools.

36- But one question remains : Who will get the difficult, thankless job?

37- It is a thankless job that takes a real Warrior to do well .

38- Q thankless beldames and untrue 1 J 44 SIBYLLINE LEAVES.

39- Being a foster parent is an often thankless and almost always stressful full time job .

40- What most would see as a thankless , tireless task, Tracy embraced. I was a CO for years and although I really loved the job, it was the most thankless.

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