tepidly in a sentence

Use “tepidly” in a sentence | “tepidly” example sentences

1- But this competition is dying slowly and tepidly .

2- The hospital, tepidly humming I can remember it all .

3- She may be marked down for her close involvement with the tepidly received Windows 8 .

4- The production and Vissi’s performance was received tepidly by critics and its commercial performance was mediocre.

5- While the song’s initial release was tepidly received by critics, reviewers were more favorable towards the remixes.

6- From story to story the writing is uniform and reasonably strong, if tepidly “safe,” with the expected amount of peaks and dips in its EKG line.

7- There is renewed vigour in major developed markets such as Japan, the UK and US; China continues to steam ahead; changes of government in India and Indonesia bring hope of economic progress; and even the eurozone is growing, albeit tepidly .

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