tepid in a sentence

Use “tepid” in a sentence | “tepid” example sentences

1- Keizer could only offer tepid praise for Hanshaw’s work.

2- Leave for half an hour before rinsing with tepid water.

3- My first tepid foray into activism was the Pillbox Hat Incident.

4- Relax for fifteen minutes, then rinse off with tepid water.

5- She bent her mouth to the tap and drank the tepid water.

6- Then we run tepid water and wash off the dried blood.

7- She staggered into the tepid, muddy water of the Pease and drank.

8- The critics’s reaction to the film was rather tepid.

9- Paracetamol can help reduce the temperature along with fan therapy and tepid sponging.

10- He soaked a handkerchief in some tepid water and wiped her forehead.

11- On the tray were a jug of tepid water, a plate of raw bloody meat and two mouldy lemons.

12- The film met with tepid international response.

13- Dalton privately described his own reaction as” tepid “.

14- But critical reaction included a large number of tepid reviews .

15- But trying to make everyone happy has produced tepid outcomes .

16- Wash mushrooms well under tepid , gently running water.

17- But the support Rove is winning is tepid .

18- A tepid bath is to be preferred.

19- But other scenes cool to nearly tepid .

20- While these aspirations are bold, their implementation has been tepid .

21- Instead, perhaps he is experiencing tepid pink and murky brown.

22- Barack Obama’s response has been tepid .

23- Heat it very gradually until it is little more than tepid .

24- Then we run tepid water and wash off the dried blood.

25- Our 2.5% annual economic growth is tepid , at best.

26- I rise from the tepid water and towel myself dry.

27- Cool till tepid or, better still, serve cold.

28- The film opened to tepid notices in November 1936.

29- As in 1954, the critics were generally tepid .

30- She drained off the last of her tepid coffee.

31- Consumer spending increased somewhat, while growth in business spending remained tepid .

32- This makes about two gallons of tepid water.

33- Market ‘s reaction to the budget was tepid .

34- tepid enforcement of this sort is not cheap .

35- Late afternoon, 88 degrees and humid with a tepid breeze.

36- Relax for fifteen minutes, then rinse off with tepid water.

37- The film was released in August 2007 to a tepid reception.

38- Reception seemed pretty tepid when the game first launched, though.

39- Instead of launching a project , the response was extremely tepid .

40- Netanyahu expressed disappointment over the tepid international response to the kidnapping.

41- The recession and tepid recovery have only accelerated this shift.

42- The playing was tepid and frayed around the edges.

43- The pit is placed in a jar or vase containing tepid water.

44- This match has the tepid murmur of an office birthday party .

45- Once again, initial crowd reaction, though polite, was tepid .

46- Leave for half an hour before rinsing with tepid water.

47- BAML ‘s economists expect home prices to rise despite tepid economic growth.

48- But no one at Bentley seems overly concerned about tepid reactions.

49- For some, the reception at the preview was tepid .

50- Place the plant in the sink and use tepid water.

51- They are tepid , neutral, uninteresting and boring.

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