tea in a sentence

Use “tea” in a sentence | “tea” example sentences

151- She toasted slices of bread for tea.

152- She used a teaspoon to stir the tea.

153- Students observed the solution of sugar in tea.

154- Thanks for inviting me, but ballet isn’t really my cup of tea.

155- The price includes morning coffee, buffet lunch, and afternoon tea.

156- There was Mrs Bellingham, stirring sugar into her tea.

157- They sat in the arbour and chatted over tea. .com

158- We discussed the merits of herbal tea.

159- We exchanged commonplaces about the weather over cups of tea.

160- We had a nice chat over a cup of tea.

161- We had a pleasant chat over a cup of tea.

162- We sat in the station buffet sipping tea.

163- We were offered a selection of cakes and pastries with our tea.

164- While I was waiting to see him, a minion brought me some tea.

165- Whoever got the fewest answers right had to make the tea.

166- You must go to bed directly after tea.

167- My wife doesn’t really care for tea; she likes coffee better.

168- Do you want to come in for a cup of tea?

169- Would you like a slice of lemon in your tea?

170- Caffeine, which is found in coffee and tea, is a mild stimulant.

171- Here we indulged in a cream tea, no calorie counting at all!

172- Carelessly, I knocked my teacup over and the tea went all over the tablecloth.

173- But as he departed for the pantry the bell rang for afternoon tea to be served.

174- At other times he forgets completely to bring the tea bag and must be reminded.

175- Betty almost ran me over with her tea trolley as I was walking into the office!

176- They were given a sumptuous tea and invited back any time they felt like coming.

177- Some astringency is inherent in tea, but green tea is more astringent than black.

178- At dusk I returned and was invited in again, this time for a tea with pound cake.

179- In some companies they have a tea break in the morning and afternoon.

180- The romance and mystique surrounding coffee and tea remain primarily intellectual.

181- Sounds like just the ticket for a shady back porch, cool glass of sun tea and thou.

182- A continental Breakfast with grapefruit juice, light toast with weak tea to follow.

183- Heaven the tea city as if aircraft carrier debarkation Shanghai pool.

184- He tried to alleviate their disappointment by inviting them in for tea and sympathy.

185- Mangosteen tea a valuable medicine, and cooler Wei Gan, functional Qingfei Runchang.

186- He only drank a cup of black tea and nibbled at a piece of dry bread for his supper.

187- Today, children can give their own authentic period tea parties, too.

188- One in five chose decaffeinated tea and coffee while 14% used artificial sweeteners.

189- Everyone benefited from limiting their intake of tea to just three or four cups a day.

190- We finished with an ice-cream sweet and mugs of hot tea from the samovar on the table.

191- Molly finished laying out his clothes and put the re filled tea pot on the hob to brew.

192- We stretch out our tired legs and drink cups of tea we have brought up from the pantry.

193- Set lunch & drink ice breaking session, fun games for dating, tea break, gift exchange.

194- It seems paradoxical to me, but if you drink a cup of hot tea it seems to cool you down.

195- When the tea break comes everybody rushes to the model, holding their cups over the plan.

196- There are several barometric pressure water bottles on the tea table in his drawing room.

197- I tried some herbal remedies such as drinking camomile tea, but none of them worked.

198- He is sitting at our camp now, holding a mug of our tea, relaxing on a canvas chair.

199- While I finish my mug of tea, Jamie loses his pound on the old fashioned pinball table.

200- Queuing , along with warm beer and afternoon tea, was once a quintessential British trait.

More Sentences: 1234

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