tea in a sentence

Use “tea” in a sentence | “tea” example sentences

1- You may also include tea or coffee as long as you limit the cream and sugar .

2- Switching from coffee with cream and sugar to plain green tea is a great health and weight loss bargain.

3- Down went the tea cup and saucer .

4- Does tea help you lose weight and prevent and cure illnesses?

5- I went into the scullery and lifted a pot of cold tea and poured some into a bowl.

6- Hibiscus tea is also consumed in Okinawa, where the natives associate Hibiscus tea with longevity.

7- Many people have extolled the benefits of green tea , and here is another.

8- With Oz’s poetic style, the chapter ends with a gentle breeze blowing, just enough to cool a cup of tea.

9- The flask tea alone Leon jibbed at.

10- I’m not interested in the tea ceremony or flower arranging.

11- I take my tea without sugar.

12- We had a chat over tea yesterday.

13- I had a cup of tea to keep myself awake.

14- I like hot tea better than cold.

15- I would like another cup of tea before I go.

16- The girl was busy making tea for her friend.

17- I have a collection of silver tea spoons from all over the world.

18- Is there any difference between the tea from Shizuoka and that from Uzi?

19- He put milk into his tea and stirred it.

20- He drank a cup of tea and then asked for another.

21- My mother likes tea very much.

22- They exported tea mainly to Europe.

23- They are having tea in the living room.

24- They have tea at five.

25-I would like tea .

26- I would rather have tea than coffee.

27- She poured out tea for her visitors.

28- She waited until the water boiled before making the tea with it.

29- She bought a tea set.

30- She brought a cup of tea to me.

31- She was kind enough to make tea for us.

32- She gave a tea party with the intention of introducing her daughter to her friends.

33- Mother is making tea for us.

34- Let’s have a tea party the day after tomorrow.

35- It’s a short cut! Oi! It’s a footpath!!Seika came into the room pushing a small cart with a pot and a tea set resting on it.

36- I usually cut loose a bit and drink plenty before a day off work but if my drinks are cut with tochu tea then I get absolutely no hangover.

37- I took the opportunity of retirement to begin studying tea ceremony.

38- I proposed to Helen that we have a tea party.

39- Iced tea had got on my shirt.

40- There’s hardly any tea left.

41- I slopped tea in the saucer.

42- His brother is a tea planter.

43- I like English Breakfast tea the best.

44- I’m not much of a tea drinker.

45- Give up our tea break? No way!

46- Give up our tea break? NO way!

47- I like tea better than coffee.

48- We had a chat in our tea break.

49- We took a flask of tea with us.

50- I collect silver tea spoons.

More Sentences: 1234

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