symbols in a sentence 4

Use ‘symbols’ in a sentence | ‘symbols’ example sentences

147- There were some antisemitic incidents; anti-Semitic symbols scrawled on local billboards near shooting locations.

148- Public Communist symbols such as red stars and Soviet war memorials were removed, and Communist books were burned.

149- Simple components often had symbols intended to represent some feature of the physical construction of the device.

150- His recognizable “signature” emerges by distorting, elongating, dissecting, and reassembling the symbols as images.

151- Successive efforts were made to localize and remove musical staff lines leaving symbols to be recognized and parsed.

152- symbols of a formal language must be capable of being specified without any reference to any interpretation of them.

153- Sanderson felt that `suggestive’ symbols were better than codes, being easier for the operator to learn and remember.

154- This building has since become the home of the Bonnechere Museum and one of the most well known symbols of Eganville.

155- symbols and ideograms As in the cultures of other regions, the use of meaningful symbols in Africa is well established.

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