symbols in a sentence

Use ‘symbols’ in a sentence | ‘symbols’ example sentences

1- Function symbols having several declarations are called overloaded.

2- Food packaging may show food contact material symbols .

3- Its main entrance contains various indigenous symbols .

4- His ring attire often incorporated cross symbols .

5- Some strings contain “p” identical symbols .

6- In addition there are 16 graphic symbols .

7- Those symbols are used to mind control.

8- Some standard symbols are in different places.

9- The low paying symbols are the playing card icons.

10- Perhaps might encourage recognition of number symbols .

11- I enjoy seeing the obvious occult symbols .

12- There are eight healing symbols and four master symbols.

13- There are eight healing symbols and four master symbols .

14- I always knew that satanic symbols are every where.

15- That magic shop was full of symbols .

16- Her music video uses the same exact symbols .

17- Each country has two standard currency symbols .

18- The value of holy symbols is unclear.

19- The same symbols may mean different things in different scientific papers.

20- There are countries with similar currency symbols .

21- The left brain has no trouble processing symbols .

22- They are both pagan symbols that represent spring.

23- Different cultures regarded animal symbols with different meanings.

24- More likely they both simply appropriated commonly known symbols .

25- The seventh bucket contains 54 commonly used mathematical and logical symbols .

26- symbols representing dead keys usually appear in red.

27- White horses are potent symbols in many cultures.

28- Religious symbols were often misused for political purposes.

29- The multiplication and division symbols are included.

30- Key iconic symbols are keys and doors.

31- These were both symbols of deeper meanings.

32- The entire season focuses on religious symbols .

33- Describe three different symbols used on weather maps.

34- Words are imperfect symbols to communicate intent.

35- So repeating watches were expensive luxuries and status symbols .

36- The symbol generator does more than generate symbols .

37- Several symbols had too many meanings to permit clarity.

38- Terms are constants or are constructed using function symbols .

39- It typically includes biblical symbols and imagery. Our minds transform experiences into symbols.

40- They lost some symbols of social intercourse.

41- symbols and their meanings are essential elements of culture.

42- The meanings of symbols are arbitrarily determined by the people who create them.

43- Humans are generally free of instincts and must rely on symbols to adapt and survive.

44- Culture has been described as patterned and interrelated ideas, symbols, or behaviors.

45- The tiles used in the Chinese game of mah-jongg are engraved with Chinese symbols and characters.

46- Skulls and skeletons are important symbols of the Mexican holiday known as “The Day of the Dead.

47- “Sociologists view culture as shared symbols and their prevailing meanings within a given social group.

48- Skulls and skeletons are prominent symbols of the Mexican holiday known as “The Day of the Dead.

49- ” promiseThe meanings of unique symbols, rituals, and institutions can be difficult to explain to different cultures.

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