sweet in a sentence 4

Use ‘sweet’ in a sentence | ‘sweet’ example sentences

144- His mother called Christina and her slain sister “two beautiful girls, sweet girls.”

145- It’s incredibly versatile and can be used across savory and sweet dishes, says Koda.

146- 784103There’s a sweet spot for oil and we’re probably below that,”” Frederick said.”

147- This version is slightly sweet but not so sweet you’ll be in a sugar coma afterwards.

148- 216514Every so often, Okpokwasili breaks into a spasm-filled dance or a sweet melody.

149- Destiny may have thought this was a sweet gesture, but the authorities aren’t swooning.

150- IV See how from far upon the Eastern road The star-led Wisards haste with odours sweet!

151- Antifreeze is sweet to the taste and can be easily disguised in sweet foods and drinks.

152- 896900“Way to go Shauna for coordinating the efforts to get these sweet kittens homes.

153- We lost a wonderful, talented, sweet man, a great father, husband, grandpa, and friend.

154- Youthful sisters swearing to each otherthat they will always share everything is sweet.

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