sweet in a sentence 2

Use ‘sweet’ in a sentence | ‘sweet’ example sentences

50- She was beguiled by his sweet words.

51- I was fascinated by her sweet voice.

52- You could say she has a sweet tooth.

53- She sang her sweet song with feeling.

54- I can’t drink coffee as sweet as this.

55- These cookies are very chewy and sweet.

56- Better short and sweet, than long and lax.

57- When spring sets in, the flowers smell sweet.

58- I’ve got to stop eating such sweet ice cream.

59- Pretty flowers do not necessarily smell sweet.

60- Their sweet melody made young people feel free.

61- She tasted the cake to see if it was sweet enough.

62- Cider is brewed from apples, and is often quite sweet.

63- The cheesecake I ordered was gorgeously rich and sweet.

64- The fowler’s pipe sounds sweet till the bird is caught.

65- Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter.

66- Sophie is fairly quiet by nature, but she is very sweet.

67- The blooms of this vine have a very strong, sweet smell.

68- This sweet potato is only halfbaked and is still crunchy.

69- She always frames her insults in this sweet, phoney language.

70- There is an old expression which suggests that revenge is sweet.

71- A boy is taking his sweet time pushing the cart toward the curb.

72- I don’t like to mix sweet and salty flavored foods in the same meal.

73- The needles of certain fir trees have a sweet, lemony taste to them.

74- Peaches are in the rose family, and have a sweet fragrance when ripe.

75- Thai food is often spicy, with contrasting sweet, sour, and salty tastes.

76- She wasn’t beautiful, but she had big, kind brown eyes and a sweet smile.

77- The peach is a member of the rose family, and has a sweet smell when ripe.

78- No one will suspect she killed her husband, they all think she is so sweet.

79- There is a traditional proverb which observes that forbidden fruit is sweet.

80- A Nigerian proverb notes that words are sweet, but they can never replace food.

81- Roman Poet Horace once wrote, “sweet and glorious it is to die for our country.

82- “I was almost deceived by a certain trader’s sweet words into making a huge loss.

83- The human tongue tastes bitter food 10,000 times more strongly than sweet tastes.

84- Edward Thomas once remarked that the past is the only dead thing that smells sweet.

85- Jean-Jacques Rousseau once observed that patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

86- She drank some kind of sweet cocktail with lots of fruit juice and crushed ice in it.

87- An Israeli proverb states that love is a sweet dream, and marriage is the alarm clock.

88- There is a French proverb which states that what is hard to endure is sweet to recall.

89- The human tongue registers bitter tastes 10,000 times more strongly than sweet tastes.

90- There is a Russian proverb which states that a bitter truth is better than a sweet lie.

91- The sentimentality of the movie kind of turned me off, it was too sweet and unrealistic.

92- Who are you calling sweetnsour?

93- ! At the very least I certainly don’t remember being sweet!A brewery we finance has made a new sweet sake and brought some to us asking us to try it.

94- In Zanzibar, people eat a sweet paste made of crush termites, sugar, and banana flour.

95- patchWasps often tunnel into ripe plums while they are still on the tree to get at the sweet juices.

96- There is a German proverb which notes that he who has not tasted bitter things, knows not what sweet is.

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