survive in a sentence 4

Use ‘survive’ in a sentence | ‘survive’ example sentences

151- Both victims are expected to survive, though the woman was seriously injured.

152- Saturday Night Live was never supposed to survive past its first five years..

153- Police say one woman had to be taken to hospital, but is expected to survive.

154- Branson’s high ability to reason not only allowed him to survive, but thrive.

155- 959495… You have no idea if that combination is going to survive and be fit.”

156- It’s not that we wouldn’t survive, but there will be a strong sense of crisis.

157- 952059Would that treasure, and the people who made it so, survive and thrive?

158- I wanted to make sure the gorillas can survive and live with the same dignity.

159- Moose are designed to to survive harsh winters, especially this genetic stock.

160- To me, it speaks to the desperation people have both to survive and to express.

161- It is unlikely those amendments would survive Senate consideration of the bill.

162- That would mean the bull market that began more than six years ago will survive.

163- He worries a child left in a car in hotter conditions, has less time to survive.

164- This creates an atmosphere in which radicalism can survive and sometimes thrive.

165- The animals do have an unusual response mechanism to survive in hard conditions.

166- But, he adds, he didn’t survive to feel self-pity, but to make the most of life.

167- I’ll say good-bye now to those of you who may not survive the radon gas attacks.

168- “There’s no way a small little shop can survive with the overhead that they have.

169- They hope to get crops that can both survive a dry spell, and deliver high yield.

170- Can you travel safely through the destruction to survive the Castle of the Doomed?

171- A total of 2.4 billion people continue to survive on less than $2 a day, he noted.

172- We will survive any hardship in the country – eat less food, use less electricity.

173- At the same time, it is the way we survive, the way that art helps us to survive.”

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