surveys in a sentence

Use ‘surveys’ in a sentence | ‘surveys’ example sentences

1- The sample size was 180 completed surveys .

2- Fourteen surveys were incomplete leaving 281 total finished surveys.

3- Fourteen surveys were incomplete leaving 281 total finished surveys .

4- Other surveys use different criteria producing different results.

5- Interest surveys are often used for determining student interest.

6- They do wide surveys every five years.

7- surveys of participants generally produced rave reviews.

8- We may periodically conduct both business and individual customer surveys .

9- Such surveys are undertaken at regular intervals.

10- Strategy surveys show strong support for active utility participation.

11- The researchers analyzed surveys returned by 306 psychologists.

12- We shall consider four types of surveys .

13- Have you ever tried using qualitative customer surveys ?

14- Research surveys investigating unemployment and office practice were undertaken.

15- surveys must ask about specific advising experiences.

16- Will surveys become more qualitative in governance nature?

17- Eighteen surveys were omitted due to incomplete responses.

18- Other sources include monthly surveys of business establishments.

19- Silver found smaller average errors in state surveys .

20- Success in organizations is measured through customer satisfaction surveys .

21- It allows producing more detailed statistics than using surveys .

22- A series of surveys were conducted throughout 2009.

23- These surveys provide indications for further reading.

24- Many surveys of hourly rates are done.

25- Many organizations prefer short surveys to gather feedback.

26- It lets users access specific information from past surveys .

27- This was done through surveys and public consultations.

28- This section surveys a few such restrictions.

29- The film ranks very highly in popular surveys .

30- The figures are way above previous surveys .

31- Regular customer surveys paint moving pictures of customer satisfaction.

32- On occasion we may conduct online surveys .

33- Such surveys involve questionnaires and medical tests.

34- He supplied government departments and commissioned fresh surveys .

35- Work abruptly halted while further surveys were carried out.

36- The data are collected through administrative records and surveys .

37- Scientific face-to-face surveys are normally conducted using geographic area probability sampling.

38- Join our free paid surveys club and.

39- The course will cover survey methodologies including telephone and web surveys . Work abruptly halted while further surveys were carried out.

40- In Nepal, surveys show that over 70% of the daily work is done by women.

41- surveys in Belarus have revealed important deposits of valuable minerals.

42- We had to combine the results of our three surveys into one chart to explain to the class.

43- surveys are often used in psychological studies to give researchers valuable insights into what people believe.

44- Psychologists use surveys to sample reported behavior broadly by gathering responses from many different individuals.

45- surveys show that many ex-spouses develop pleasant and cooperative shared parenting arrangements following their divorce.

46- Keith Folse notes that in many surveys, students ranked vocabulary development second only to opportunities to speak in class.

47- And she beats potential Republican nominees in most match-up surveys.

48- “When I send out surveys and say, ‘What are the roles of government?’

49- Phurba surveys the destruction, writes down names and the amount of loss.

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