surprise in a sentence 3

Use ‘surprise’ in a sentence | ‘surprise’ example sentences

101- The woman had a photo taken of herself in an erotic pose as a surprise for her husband.

102- We saw an adorable puppy at a garage sale, and bought it for my daughter as a surprise.

103- The main race yesterday was no surprise.

104- That’s the kind of race you can bank on.

105- The novel is a gripping thriller that never ceases to surprise with its numerous plot twists.

106- She gasped in excitement and surprise when her boyfriend showed her the diamond engagement ring.

107- Actor Tom Cruise made a surprise appearance at the debut of his newest film in Los Angeles today.

108- She got a delightful surprise when she stepped on the scales after 3 months of dieting and exercise.

109- Everyone was expecting a guilty verdict, but the severity of the sentence was somewhat of a surprise.

110- The movie has a number of interesting twists in the plot, and an ending guaranteed to surprise everyone.

111- The child had a mischievous grin on his face as he hid behind the door, waiting to surprise his friends.

112- She disguised her voice when she phoned her boyfriend in order to lure him to his surprise birthday party.

113- In 1977, the Rolling Stones did a couple of surprise gigs at a small club in Toronto called the El Mocambo.

114- When you go to Grandma’s house, don’t mention anything about the party because we want it to be a surprise.

115- Rebels made a surprise raid on the capital, but were turned back by government forces after a brief battle.

116- Winning the tournament was a delicious surprise for the team, which had simply hoped to get past the first round.

117- All at once I saw a human form in the distance, and, to my surprise, soon recognized that the traveler was a woman.

118- The coach warned his players not to take their adversaries too lightly because even the weakest team can surprise you.

119- The 1999 surprise hit Blair Witch Project cost about $50,000 to produce, but ultimately grossed more than $240 million.

120- If you cut class or something.

121- .

122- .

123- it wouldn’t surprise you if it showed up on your report card, would it?

124- The steepness of the climb took us by surprise, so we’d had a pretty good workout by the time we got to the top of the mountain.

125- Their reconciliation took her friends by surprise because they thought she would never speak to him again after he cheated on her.

126- The students’ punctuality improved significantly once I started giving surprise quizzes from time to time at the beginning of class.

127- Lisa Alther once remarked, “What a surprise to find you could shift the contents of your head like rearranging furniture in a room.

128- “The 1999 surprise hit “Blair Witch Project” cost about $50,000 to produce, and grossed $29 million in its first weekend of wide release.

129- George S.

130- Patton once advised, “Don’t tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.

131- “Underestimating your opponent is a dangerous tactic because even the weakest team can surprise you.

132- All they need is one good game, and you’re in trouble.

133- eternalIt has been suggested that President Roosevelt foresaw a Japanese surprise attack on American forces prior to World War Two, but did not know it would take place at Pearl Harbor.

134- In 1678, William of Orange attacked the French army near Mons.

135- However, the French, though caught by surprise, rallied, and pushed back William, who lost several thousand men.

136- 632386So it’s no surprise that luxury brands dominated the ratings.

137- It was a great surprise for all of us, Bastian Schweinsteiger joked.

138- surprise: Amazon’s $50 Tablet Isn’t Terrible The Wall Street Journal.

139- The operation itself comes as no surprise to the Islamic State group.

140- Is it any surprise that it attracts an enormous amount of attention?”

141- The goal is not to surprise people, but to make them think: “Oh, wow!

142- No surprise: Lung cancer and skin cancer were two of them, they said.

143- 809036The tenderness in some of the early scenes took me by surprise.

144- Jeff Cohen, Welltok’s co-founder, expressed surprise at the statement.

145- 862949Today I did surprise pop ups for opening night audiences in NYC!

146- It is not a surprise that the Al-Nour Party is furiously attacking him.

147- surprise, surprise, Qianlong loved it — and soon, so did everyone else.

148- More from TV Will Ferrell’s awkward best man surprise Happy hour at NIH?

149- It chose not to move yesterday, which was a surprise to some economists.

150- Bill Clinton’s role in the campaign, to no one’s surprise, is expanding.

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