sunning in a sentence

Use ‘sunning’ in a sentence | ‘sunning’ example sentences

1- These include sunning themselves, dust bathing and water bathing.

2- The sunning bodies were so crowded in.

3- It was sunning itself on the path.

4- We alternated between swimming, sunning , drinking, and eating.

5- Today he was out on a slab sunning himself.

6- sunning is often a group activity, particularly during the cold mornings.

7- sunning light and open Southeast corner unit with beautiful city skyline views.

8- In warm weather the floating cypress logs offer sunning spots for turtles .

9- Maybe wait 24-48 hours before sunning your waxed crotch .

10- Weather bleaching or sunning must not be penalized.

11- Beach after beach of people sunning themselves like manatees.

12- sunning herself in Saint Barths ( where else?

13- It’s late summer and the locals are sunning themselves on the beach.

14- Milli and her seven pups are doing very well and sunning around at camp.

15- Garter snake sunning on the grass.

16- A variety of other leisure activities are also possible, such as swimming or sunning .

17- Through the trees we spotted a clearing in which around ten herons were sunning themselves.

18- From the window, Buzz could see Clare sunning herself on the terrace below.

19- Earlier today my father-in-law found a turtle sunning itself in the middle of the road.

20- Some sunning to jacket on spine and a half-inch strip along top of front panel.

21- Favourite of swimming buffs, offer sunning and swimming, plus many other recreational activities.

22- For safer sunning protect your skin with a high-factor sunscreen and slowly decrease to lower factors.

23- Chapter 5 Zak had been away three weeks, Bev was sunning herself a the pool.

24- There is a large covered back deck and also outdoor seating on the bow for sunning .

25- On the deck bench, near the double doors, a large black cat lay sunning itself.

26- We saw several sunning themselves in the trees and even one swimming at the lunch stop.

27- If it’s not too hot they can be out sunning themselves in the yard.

28- When he got to the deck there was a 5ft black and white snake sunning itself.

29- David Turnbull, Mark Dodds and Peter Mild were probably sunning themselves in Petra.

30- The problem was solved on the second day with an hours sunning out on the lanai.

31- Stroll along the beach to find Marine Iguanas sunning and sea lions body surfing the northern swells.

32- Adhere to a few simple sunning rules so you an enjoy the sun without sacrificing your skin.

33- We drove down some very steep and extreme tracks into a spring and watched a lizard sunning itself.

34- Through the window beside him Owen could see a large rat sunning itself on a mooring rope.

35- We had this balcony and I used to sit out there sunning myself with no clothes on.

36- The Grayling butterfly is often seen sunning on patches of bare ground, its wings closed for camouflage.

37- And Chancellor Norman Lamont was last night accused of sunning himself as the economy sinks into deeper gloom.

38- Just as they left the riverbank, she noticed the old alligator sunning himself happily upon the bank.

39- The widest of beaches in the area offer space and plenty of beach combing, sunning and swimming.

40- In accommodation Blocks 6 and 7 the prisoners spent almost all day on the south wall sunning themselves. And they are EVERYWHERE, thousands of them sunning in lazy clumps and sneezing piles.

41- sunning is often a group activity, particularly during the cold mornings.

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