sunlit in a sentence

Use ‘sunlit’ in a sentence | ‘sunlit’ example sentences

1- My sunlit song was replaced by sticky gold stars.

2- Energy collection is achieved from sunlit roof surfaces.

3- I passed row upon row of sunlit , blessed corn.

4- The sunlit zone goes down to about 660 feet.

5- Only the distant peaks were sunlit now.

6- You should lower shades on sunlit windows in the summer.

7- The horses began to steam in the sunlit air.

8- How lovely the lake was, with its sunlit hills!

9- They walked back out into the sunlit street together.

10- And so there shone yet another distant sunlit hilltop.

11- Rachel looked away across the sunlit tree-lined street below.

12- Inside, Lily’s house was sunlit and quiet.

13- The sky is piled with sunlit June cumulus.

14- Blonde hair in the sunlit shaft coming through the blind.

15- For the sunlit leaves I turn the dial up to 11!

16- This is especially true in his paintings such as sunlit Waters.

17- The sunlit Job Centre was quite crowded, he saw now.

18- Don’t need acreage — a sunlit patio will do.

19- In fact, colorful blooms look more vibrant in a sunlit garden.

20- The sunlit surface layer is called the daylight (euphotic) zone.

21- Gleams of bright sunlit mountains appeared through the stratus.

22- They are strong flyers and seek sunlit spots in which to bask.

23- A high layer of haze was detected around the sunlit pole of Uranus.

24- This matches with the sunlit part of Armstrong’s spacesuit.

25- The station looked sunlit , deserted.

26- By heating up the sunlit oceans in the model , it increases evaporation.

27- There are not a lot of places to hide in the sunlit zone!

28- She gathered her pages of notes and went out into the sunlit streets.

29- Exposure for the sunlit portions results in total blackness for the shaded areas.

30- Disturbed bedclothes, broad sunlit balcony beyond windows and pastel-pink vertical blinds.

31- Apply a sunlit coral shade of lipstick – outline first with matching lip pencil.

32- Her eyes sparkled like sunlit water.

33- As in the earlier seven sets , Mercury appears as a thin sunlit crescent.

34- A noisily closing door made them glance up at the ship’s sunlit bridge.

35- The girls rose stiffly in the green shade and turned to the sunlit meadow.

36- Green and purple distances were under me: green and gold the sunlit regions above.

37- He promised a ” sunlit path of racial justice to the solid rock of brotherhood.

38- The sunlit sky is blue because air scatters short-wavelength light more than longer wavelengths.

39- The trajectory chosen would give the spacecraft a good view of the sunlit side. This image is the first full view of the sunlit side of the Earth taken from one million miles away.

40- The bridge uses images of sunlit mornings and moonlit water as metaphors for love.

41- Discover how caves were formed, learn who has walked their corridors through the ages, and see caves teeming with life that is amazingly different from our sunlit world above.

42- See also * A journey on The sunlit Path – A collection of tributes to Nadkarni (Publisher Mirravision Trust, Pondicheri- 605003, India.

43- However, rising sea temperature has stratified the oceans, separating warm, sunlit waters from cool, nutrient-rich waters.

44- “‘Direct’ evidence for water (H2O) in the sunlit lunar ambience from CHACE on MIP of Chandrayaan I”.

45- This image is the only photograph of its kind to date, showing a fully sunlit hemisphere of the Earth.

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