studies in a sentence 3

Use ‘studies’ in a sentence | ‘studies’ example sentences

101- After supper, he studies his lessons for three hours.

102- He is very bright, and what is more, he studies hard.

103- My father studies astronomy, or the science of stars.

104- Two independent studies have yielded the same results.

105- She is very smart, and what is more, she studies hard.

106- He is sure to pass the exam if he studies at this rate.

107- Masao studies history under Prof.

108- Ito’s guidance.

109- studies show that dirty snow melts faster than clean snow.

110- He regrets having neglected his studies in his school days.

111- She studies hygiene as part of her domestic science course.

112- He studies harder than any other student does in his class.

113- studies show that about 25 percent of alcoholics are women.

114- He cited over twenty different studies in his research paper.

115- He couldn’t apply himself to his studies because of a headache.

116- Nowadays many college students are neglectful of their studies.

117- studies show that even young smokers have reduced lung capacity.

118- studies show that fingernails grow faster on the hand you favor.

119- studies show that many children occasionally walk in their sleep.

120- Wind tunnel studies alert car designers to specific areas of drag.

121- He is a diligent student.

122- He studies three hours every day.

123- studies show that certain kinds of geese mate for their entire life.

124- For the first time, he stood to take a real interest in his studies.

125- studies show that regular exercise promotes psychological well-being.

126- She was assisted in her studies by a large grant from the university.

127- He has recovered his health, so he is now able to resume his studies.

128- Her photographs are exquisite studies in the use of light and shadow.

129- studies show that women reject heart transplants more often than men.

130- studies show that ethnicity exerts a major influence on many families.

131- studies show that most smokers start their habit before the age of 19.

132- studies show that women report higher rates of mental illness than men.

133- Recent studies have shown that crime is flourishing in the inner cities.

134- studies have shown that optimists generally live longer than pessimists.

135- studies show that the single best predictor of divorce is marrying young.

136- studies show that most bicycle injury accidents involve a single vehicle.

137- A scientist studies nature by refining old models or creating new models.

138- studies show that the principal reason people lie is to avoid punishment.

139- studies show that the older a person gets, the less sleep he/she requires.

140- Recent studies show that 300 million children are chronically malnourished.

141- He has completed his studies and is now fully licensed to practise medecine.

142- studies show that fleas can accelerate 50 times faster than the space shuttle.

143- It will be a miracle if Howard passes the test because he never, never studies.

144- Find someone who thinks he/she should put more effort into his/her studies.

145- egostudies show that Canadians spend $2.

146- 3 billion annually on brewed coffee.

147- studies show that the effects of exercise on athlete’s protein needs are minimal.

148- studies show that newborn babies imitate the facial expressions of their parents.

149- The results of his experiment seem to contradict the findings of earlier studies.

150- studies show that on average, 100 people choke to death on their pens every year.

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